Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Thanks, Blog Buds!


So many 'Happy Birthday' wishes for me!

Each and every one was much appreciated by this old gal,  Junie Rose!

The above card was waiting at Pea's place for me! I love it!  :) - Looks like me as a child, too!

Also, my friend Bonnie, and her 'Collies,' fixed me up a neat greeting with a few pics and sayings!  I may try to get that posted too!
  (It was very cute but kinda long  and I'm not sure I can figure out how to put it on! )

again - thanks to you all! :)


Life goes on... and I find it's a day when I need to sit down with my 'stuff ' and get some bills in the mail!

  You all know I dislike this chore with a passion - right? But it has to be done and I'm the designated bill writer around here!  Don't know how that came to be but  it's been that way since the early days!   Oh, well... just DO IT, girl! ( I will...)

We went for our early morning walk again and on our return I was tempted to stay outside in search of butterflies ... but , no - I had to get in here to tackle this paperwork!! :( 

  OK- I'm gonna do it !!!

My appointment at the doctor's office is 3:30... so this day is sort of a disorganized  one.  I can't really get into yard work or any thing like that with this appointment to keep!

LOL- perfect day for doing the books, you say!  Yah, I hear you!  haha


Junie Rose


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Don't feel bad Junie I too am the designated bill payer and every month around the third I pull out the green sheeted book and record the date paid,the amount,and the check number. This also goes on the stubs and any medical also goes on the computer for tax records. All in all a kind of complicated project but it is helpful when a question on payments come up.
    At least I have a feel for where the money goes. I hope you finally get 'outside to play' soon

  2. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Hi Mary,

    Yah- I prefer keeping up with all this myself...even tho it's a PIA job!

    Still, I know I do a better job than
    C. could or would do! I don't know how ppl keep up with the bills- etc- if they don't keep a book and write it all down! (Dates pd-and all that) I have always done it that way! And in almost 50 years of doing it this way I can say I have messed up- overdrawn at bank etc...or forgot a bill... VERY few times! You HAVE to know what $$$ you have and where it goes -and when! :)

    ;0 Still- I'd rather be out playing! hahha


  3. Junie!Your birthday is May 5th...Right?? I'm writing it down in my Blogger Buddies Birthday book so I'll know ahead of time next year!!lol....Have a happy and fun day sweetie!!hughugs

  4. Hi Donna,

    Yep- it was yesterday-May 5th!

    Had a good one.

    I need to make a birthday list too! :) but I guess I'll just wait for someone else to let me know about the birthdays! :) I'll follow your lead, Donna! (smile)


  5. Hi June,

    I just came over from Merle's blog to wish you a happy birthday. I'm a May baby too *grin*, and I also love Red Lobster. That Bracelet was quite beautiful.

    I do all my bill payments online through my bank, it saves on my hands and having to remember what gets paid when since I do it a month ahead of time.


  6. Hi Janice,

    Thanks very much for visiting my blog and for your birthday wishes for me!

    I had a happy one!

    :) I see you are in Madera, Ca. My husband has a cousin living there-a woor carving artist- Jerry Dollar> Do you know of him? He does fantastic work!

    Thanks again and hope you'll visit me often!

