Thursday, June 05, 2008

County scenes that please me!

I went yesterday (finally) to pick out new glasses. I had to get a pair of dark ones, too, because of my sensitivity to the sunlight.

Yes! I decided to put off the cataract surgery at least another year.
I know!! People tell me the surgery is not a big deal and I should go ahead with it! It's not the procedure itself that scares me ( The pain or discomfort of it, I mean) but the small possibility of losing my sight. I just hope these new glasses will improve my vision - a little bit, at least- for awhile longer.

It will be a couple weeks before my new specs will be ready, as I wanted the non-glare lens! It takes longer to make those!


Charles is working to get the horse set up with a small enclosure and pasture lot! He has a big job ahead..fencing-etc...For now she's in the cow corral we have in the big pasture. I hope he hasn't bitten off more than he can chew- as the old saying goes! 'Sunshine' is still very skittish! We'll have to see how things go with this new adventure he's taken on!


The place where we bought the horse was the most interesting old place...with a lot of rustic outbuildings left standing from many years past!

This is exactly the kind of things both Charles and I enjoy!
As we drove up to the old farm place and I saw all the treasures there, I remarked to Charles that I hoped the folks there wouldn't mind if I got some pictures. I would not do it without asking -( :) -at least- not many!)

As it turned out, the lady didn't mind at all that I wanted pictures.

While Charles was taking care of the paperwork I was getting these cool shots of this neat place! :)




  1. Hi Junie,
    Hope your new glasses help with your vision. The cataract surgery made such a difference in Bill's vision (for the better of course!) It truly was like a miracle and right away.
    You have to trust your own instincts though and do what feels right to you!

  2. That was a great photo op. Well done!

  3. Oh, I love those pictures. Several of them remind me SO much of the places I see when I go to W. Fla. to visit relatives! There is so much art in old things.

    Hope your glasses do the trick while you're deciding on the surgery. I had both eyes done last summer, and for the first time since I was a teenager I can see to drive without glasses. I was reluctant, though, Junie as you are. I still need glasses to read; something the dr. didn't think would happen. Oh well, no matter what, it's a blessing for any of who can see with out without glasses.

    Have a wonderful day!!

  4. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Love the pictures !!
    New specs are so wonderful when you need them I am there just too lazy to go see someone about it,always making excuses...
    Take care,

  5. I have prescription sunglasses that have about a pound of super glue on them. I refuse to buy a new pair becasue I like them so much.

    I have that "Beverly Hillbillies" feeling after looking at the pictures. They're very rustic. I like them!

  6. Hello dear Junie,

    I can understand why you want to put off the cataract surgery...just knowing there's a slim chance of losing your sight would put me off too. My mom has cataracts but they aren't ready to be operated on yet. It terrifies her because she only has good sight in one eye.

    Oooooh you are now a horse owner! How cool is that?? Charles must like to keep himself busy! lol It will be a lot of work for him but I love the fact that he seems up for anything:-) She ssems to be a beautiful horse from what I can see of her in that one picture.

    I so love the pictures you took for this post...oh my goodness, don't you just love these rustic outbuildings!! Just gorgeous!!! xoxo

  7. Wow, what great shots! Sure is a pretty little place.

  8. Hi Diane,

    :) That's the way I am about these kind of things....put them off as long as I can! I was told a year ago that I need the cataract surgery but I waited another this time, decided to get the glasses for awhile longer.

    Thanks for coming by.


  9. Hi Dot,

    :) I love these kinds of things!


  10. Hi Susie,

    Yes, most people seem to have good results with the surgery...

    As it is, tho, for me- I don't have such bad vision and really thought there wasn't much change. It was just that my old glasses were in bad shape from constant use! I was surprised last year when the doctor mentioned the surgery...

    Oh, well, will have to see how things go with the new glasses.

    Thanks, Susie.



  11. AC

    Thanks for coming.

    I am very fond of this kind of thing- anything old and/or country!


  12. Hi Sally,

    Yah- aren't those old buildings cool looking? I just love this kind of scenery! I was thrilled to be able to get these pictures.

    I'll see how my new glasses work out...and will probably do the surgery next year!

    Most people DO have good results with it, I know.

    Hope your day was a good one! Too dang HOT- but this IS Florida so I guess we just have to live with it!


  13. Hi Fred,

    LOL- My prescription sunglasses were bent out of shape after a fall into a pond in North Carolina a couple years ago! They were on my face when they fell in this freezing pond! ( now THAT'S a funny story...somewhere in my past posts! LOL)

    ...About those pics- Yep- very rustic! I love these kinds of things!


  14. Hi Pea,

    Thanks for your comments.

    Yes, hopefully the new glasses will help me through another year- By then I may be ready to go ahead with the surgery.

    Yep, Charles likes to keep busy...I hope this horse works out for him! She's a pretty horse!

    I had a lot of fun photographing those old country scenes! I find this all very charming-these old buildings _ etc!



  15. I don't think I'd opt for surgery either until absolutely NECESSARY ---and I pray the new lenses work for you.

    Love the 'old country charm' in all the photos you shared.

  16. I love these Junie!
    I would have loved taking photos here and from different angles and wouldn't have wanted to leave!

  17. Carletta,

    Yes, it was an interesting old place- with lots of other stuff besides what I put here. Inside the home was interesting, too, with lots of antiques- but I didn't want to push myself too much with the pictures! :)

  18. Thanks, Anni,

    Yes, I should be ok with the new glasses- for maybe another year.

    Thanks for looking at the pics and I'm happy you liked them.

  19. I love the photos of the old buildings on the farm. When you click on them, there is such wonderful detail.

  20. Thanks, Beverly,

    It seems that a lot of us appreciate these old things! There's not that much left for us to enjoy, of the past.


  21. Love the pics Junie...I love those old rustic places...they're gold mines for great photos like these. What a nice warm, homey feeling.

  22. My dad told me last night on the phone that he is getting cataracts. He is noticing a halo when there's sunlight. He will wait to have the surgery also, but he checked into it, and it is not a big deal. Of course, anything done on the eyes must be taken very seriously and must be performed by an excellent doctor. I hope your new glasses serve you well.

  23. Jimmy had cataract surgery on both eyes recently and it turned out great. He no longer needs to wear glasses and he loves that. About 6 months later he developed a slight blurring in one eye and it took no more than 10 minutes to laser the scar tissue away...that counts from the time it took him to walk in there and walk out of the O.R.

    I've been told that I have small cataracts not big enough for surgery yet. I'm like you and a little skiddish about the possibilities of losing my eyesight.

    Everyone here is selling their horses because of the lack of finding hay and the rising price of feed. The big horse barn that Jimmy helped my grandson build is sitting empty now.

    You asked me about the little ducklings near the fire. I couldn't find them, but maybe they moved to a nearby pond.

