Friday, July 18, 2008

Project Black #9 ~ The Who

This is my #9 Project Black post!

Visit Anna's site to see others.


There are still many Project Black possibilities around my place but today my thoughts turn to one of my favorite music groups ~The Who!

I have this neat little framed poster/picture that my grandson Zach gave me last Christmas and it is in my view whenever I'm in the kitchen area!

;) That's most of the time as this room is also where my computer is located! :)

Not that I need much in reminders as far as 'The Who' are concerned. I get the urge to play their music quite often with my cds or searching out Youtube vids online! That's what I did last night until way late....watched videos on Youtube.

A friend had sent E-mails telling me The Who had announced another tour for this fall! It seems to be a bit limited...well, so far anyway...with not a lot of dates and locations listed as yet; mostly in the NE and Ca. No dates listed near us!

Oh, well! I can't plan another WHO concert anyway! Lol! I was pushing my luck last year, getting Charles to take me to see them for the very first time, in Tampa!
(Even though our daughter bought us the tickets!)

Charles said he wouldn't do it again if someone
paid him $1000.00! :) Really! He said that! :) LOL- So you see it could get quite expensive for me to swing another WHO concert!
(He's definitely NOT a Rock fan! )

But I have become a huge WHO fan!

Here are some pics from last year when we had the once in a lifetime chance of seeing this legendary band!

At least one of us was thrilled! (Hint- the one with the smiley face!) :)

My intention as we started out was to play C. some choice WHO music on the way to Tampa, to get him in the right frame of mind!!

You've heard of best laid plans....??

Here we are at the motel and on the way to the venue!

LOL - A contrast!

And here am I ~ Junie-Who fan ~ about to enjoy a great show!

I was not disappointed, in the least! I was on my feet the whole time! Funny how, tho that was my first ever WHO concert, I knew exactly how a true WHO fan was supposed to act! haha!

I found these videos of the musical tribute show that was put together after '9-11' which included a lot of music groups.
I watched several parts of 'The Who's performance at that event!

I watched Billy Joel, also, among others!

It was a very touching show but brought back all those memories of those dark days!
(Not that they are EVER gone from our minds!)

Here is one song for you to enjoy!



  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    100% PURE LOUD NOISE !!!! /laughs

    Did you catch what Daltry said at the very end in tribute to the FDNY and NYPD ppl in the audience?

    "We could never follow what YOU did"

    Thanks for posting this video, Junie, it brings back a lot of memories. Do you have any more from that show?


  2. :) But - 'GOOD' loud noise!!

    Yes, there are other Youtube vids there, but I don't have them bookmarked. They are easy to find, tho, if anyone wants to search them out! LOL- or just click on this Youtube -instead of opening on my site- and some of the others show up there to view!
    (DUH!! Junie!!!)

    I loved watching The Who and also enjoyed Billy Joel!

    That show just touched me deeply!

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Junie Rose

  3. Great post Junie!
    "WHO" knew you were such a fan! :)

  4. I am not a rock fan but to each his own as far as I am concerned. Sounds like you had a great time at the concert!

  5. Carletta



    Thanks to you both for your comments!

    ;) Yep! I truly AM a big fan of The Who!

    I've found in the last 2-3- years of getting into music, that there is a lot out there that I that I never took time to listen to over the years! :) It's been an adventure, discovering all this 'NEW' music! haha


  6. The Who was one of the earliest groups I liked. Their "Tommy" album is still one of my favorites.

  7. Fred!!

    That's cool! lol- don't often find WHO fans on the blogs! :)

    Did you see them last year?
    Wish I could see them again but I don't expect to!


  8. It cracks me up to see rockers who are my age. Good for them, but it always strikes me as weird. Good for you too btw.

  9. AC,

    Yes! I envy the energy some of those old rockers still have! :)

    It does seem a little bit comical sometimes to hear the lyrics of some of these old songs they are still singing that were written in their youth. Sometimes the words don't quite fit men in their 60s!

    I guess it's a way of holding on to their youth- lol- and continuing to make lots of $$$ ( don't forget that part!)

