Saturday, July 05, 2008


Good thing I like simple things...a simple plan ~ simple life!

;) I was thinking about all that today as Charles and I were riding around our place on the golf cart...and I told him just that! I told him how lucky I feel that I get so much enjoyment out of simple things! LOL~ and we both agreed I'd be in a mess of trouble if I was unable to find my joy and contentment in the simple things of my life here in the country! is what it is... ( for C. and me)) and any big excitements have long since, ' done come and gone' in our lives! Simple truth. Simple life.

Wouldn't it be just awful if you were in a life style or in a place where you found no joy- no fulfillment- in your daily routine? What if there were no reasons to smile in your days?

I feel blessed for all the simplicity in my days. And blessed for the ability to enjoy the smallest things that some might overlook!

Life is like panning for gold just never know what you might find in that pan until you examine it up close! It can surprise you sometimes.


The holiday just passed was very quiet, indeed, for the old folks of the farm! ( that's C. and me!)
No kids or grands around, except for Chris, my son. He lives with us.

Our girls, Tina and Alli, are on a trip to New Hampshire ( to see a rock concert...Plain White Ts!!!) They will be home late tomorrow. And our Orlando bunch couldn't come up.

So we had no celebrations planned at all-

Charles has been working very hard on our little rental house, which is on the back side of our 5 acres here. Chris will be renting it from us and he's looking forward to having his own place again. (LOL- And I'm looking forward to fixing up my bedrooms upstairs again, too!) The work is coming along good. This weekend we got the tile installed and the kitchen counter and sink and new bottom cabinets installed. I will put another coat of paint on them next week. Chris painted one of the 2 bedrooms. He likes that BLUE !

Some pics of how things are coming along!

I like this charming old house.
It will be pretty cool when we're through with it!

Charles also removed this monster Cherokee Rose...a wild rose we planted a few years ago that just went
crazy! It had grown and climbed to the highest limbs of the oak tree there! Charles was able to get it pulled up and out with his tractor! Now, THAT was a scary sight! I watched him out the window from the house here. I was a nervous wreck watching! I could imagine one of those limbs breaking- or the tractor turning over...or something bad....But no mishaps at all! He did the job !

Oh! That plant is marvelous to see. It blooms only once a year and puts on a fantastic showing...but it was in a bad place with not enough room. Charles transplanted a couple small ones for me -by a couple of trees, in a place where they can just go wild again with growing and blooming! Well, I HOPE so anyway- because I love the plant!

I will show that plant in bloom- and the plant after Charles ripped it up and out of that tree!

These pictures were a couple years ago and the plant had gone much higher than you see here!

Here is the plant pulled you can see what a monster it had become! :(

Oh! But I will miss it!

(Click to enlarge pictures)



  1. Dear June ~~ Good post and great photos. I am like you and like a simple life and enjoy little things.
    The rental house looks nice and Chris will enjoy being on his own I guess.
    That rose sure was a monster, hard to believe how huge it grew. Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

  2. I am pretty well convinced that enjoying the simple, little things is the stuff of life.

  3. The more simple, the better!! I'm with you 100%.

    Ya'll have the perfect place to live surrounded by beauty. And you both work so hard! The house will be so nice for your son.

    Have a beautiful Sunday, Junie Rose!! ((HUGS))

  4. The house looks great and that is the biggest plant I ever saw! I love the simple life, also, and the best things in life are free. The outdoors and woods and forests and mother nature is wonderful. That picture with the hanging moss is so pretty.

  5. What a Beautiful rose!!! Too bad it had to go! And the cottage! Wonderful!hughugs

  6. Thanks, all, for your nice comments!

    Seems we all agree in the KISS theory!

    KISS = 'Keep It Simple Sweetie'
    (In Junie Rose language! )


  7. Junie...I've always believed enjoying the simple things is what life is really all about.....and I'll continue to do just that. Love your pictures sweetie....

  8. Hi Junie,
    I agree so much with you - the simplicity of things are so special for me too. Moving back to the country and enjoying the flowers and wildlife and wide open spaces is a dream of a way to spend the day. Except for the snake I found on my porch railing yesterday. :)
    That plant really was huge. I hope the replanted one does well for you.

  9. Thanks, Joy!

    Happy you like my pictures.:)



  10. Hi Carletta,

    :) Thanks for your comments. I'm happy you enjoy my pictures and posts of our life here in the country.

    LOL- I even don't mind seeing the occasional long as I'm sure it's a harmless one!

    (I've posted about snake encounters a few times!)

    Enjoy your day.


  11. Hi Junie. lovely photo's , I also enjoy the simple things in lifeits the only way to enjoy life..

  12. Junie ~ For me... the simple life is CODE for "Simply Wonderful Life!" I hope you had a GREAT 4th. ~ jb///

  13. Hi JB,

    Thanks for coming and for your comments!

    Yes- we had a good 4th ... quiet but good! :)

    And I know you were at Blogstock on the 4th! :) I'm looking forward to seeing some more pics from all who were there! I saw Jim's already! (Boy! He was quick getting his on! :) )


  14. Hi Jen,


    I appreciate your visits!!


  15. You are so right's the little things that other's take for granted that Jimmy & I also find pleasure in. I also feel very blessed and not a day goes by that I don't count my blessings.

    I love all your pictures and the Spanish moss hanging in the tree is my favorite and would make a beautiful desktop picture.

    I once planted a wild rose that grew so fast that it had to be removed over and over again until all the roots were eliminated. It had beautiful blooms but just took over everything. Ours didn't compare in size to yours though.

    Our holiday was also a quiet one this year and it was very nice and also rained some. I did get to see some fireworks on two separate nights which were spectacular but frightened our cats. Someone still has a sack full of firecrackers that I wish would fall in a tub of water and get ruined.
