Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Today I was tagged by Carletta at 'Round the Bend' to do a music meme!

She says...

Here are the rules:

'List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what
the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any
good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping
your summer. Post these instructions in your blog along with
your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what
they’re listening to.'


OK-I can do that! I listen to music every day and have a big variety that I like these days!

Have had Dan Fogelberg on my mind recently so today I looked up some Youtubes of his music! I was so happy to see a lot has been added since I last checked.

( FYI ~ Dan passed away late last year from cancer. I will always miss him and will always enjoy the music he gave us over more than 30 years!)

I listened to a lot of his music today but I think the one song I enjoyed most was the Youtube I have posted here ( actually 2 songs on this one)

1. 'Looking For a Lady'

2. 'Hickory Grove'- both by Dan Fogelberg

He sang both of these the first time we saw him in the early 70s. He looked so young and sweet and innocent-and had this angel voice! I was hooked from the start! Became the world's #1 DanFan! :)

3. 'Brothers in Arms'

4.'Walk of Life'

5. 'Punish the Monkey'

- all of these I've listened to recently (Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits) I like him a lot and we will be seeing him end of this month, in a concert in Atlanta! Yipeee!! :)

6. 'I Will Remember You'- Sarah McLachlan-

This is one song I listen to often...well-I love ALL of Sarah's songs! She's wonderful!!!

7. 'See Me, Feel Me' - The Who

ok...this and a bunch of other WHO songs, I play often! They are my favorite LOUD Classic Rock band. I often end my music night with 'See Me, Feel Me' - the Woodstock version! :) Makes for a good night's sleep! Really!!


I won't tag anyone but if any of you want to do this - let me know!

I'd love to know the music some of you like!




  1. Yeah Junie! So glad you played along. I love Dan Fogelberg too - so sad he's gone.
    "I Will Remember You" (especially) and "See Me, Feel Me" could also be right there at the top for me.

  2. I am a Willie Nelson fan and love Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. That is my favorite song. Also like anything Norah Jones and Diana Krall.

  3. Carletta!

    ;) - So we like a lot of the same music!! Somehow, I'm not surprised!

    LOL- Who could NOT like Dan and Sarah? ( Yes, it was very sad to lose Dan...such a talent he had!)

    The music Meme was fun...but hard picking just a few, as I love AND listen to- a lot of music!


  4. Hi Judy,

    Thanks for your comments!

    Oh, yes! 'Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain' by Willie Nelson is a great song! We have a lot of Willie's early albums!

    I see also in your profile that you list Paul Simon! Simon and Garfunkle were among my favorites for many years and I also liked Paul's solo stuff!

    MUSIC is one of our treasures! :) So much out there to enjoy!


  5. Hi Junie! I'm back home and finally mean rested!! HaHa!! Blogstock was great fun indeed!

    I like so many different songs...can't say that I truly have a favorite one.

  6. Thank you for being sweet, and not tagging anyone. I chose a long time ago, to never do tags. And I don't 'do awards' either. {Odd duck I am, I know} I say Thank You and that's it.

    'Cause when you accept awards, you have to put the award button on your Sidebar. And everything like buttons and all such pic-like-things, take time to load. And make one's blog take that much longer to load, when people try to read it.

    So that is why I don't do ... Enough. More than you needed to hear, I'm sure. -giggles-

    'Miss' Mari-Nanci
    {Yes, I am channeling my inner "Southern Lady Of A Certain Age"!!! Gonna' call myself "Miss Mari-Nanci" from now on. If I can't get people up here, to call me that, I shall call myself that! So there!!!} :-)
    Smilnsigh blog

  7. Hi Miss Mari-Nanci,

    I just recently figured out how to put those awards on the side bar- lol- well, actually, I still need help from my granddaughter.....

    But I DO think it makes things interesting to show them and other stuff too. But I don't often pass anything on with the memes - because I know a lot of ppl don't like to do them! ... I found this music one fun, tho, so wanted to do it! LOL- I'll take any excuse to talk about the music I like!

    A lot of ppl mention pages being slow to load but I don't often have a problem with that- on any of the sites I visit.

    Have a good night and thanks for visiting me again.


  8. Hi Junie, my fellow Dan fan. (I do not know any in person--can you believe it?)

    I enjoyed the YouTube clip. I grew up with 1980's Dan and am just this year discovering the fantastic 1970's stuff. Souvenirs is my favorite now--fantastic from beginning to end.

    Hope all is well for you and yours.

  9. Hi Sarah,

    It's good to hear from you again.

    Oh, I'm happy you enjoyed the vids of Dan! I LOVED his early music sooo very much. Souvenirs and Home Free were both just wonderful...but ALL of his albums were! I truly loved everything he did- from the moment I first heard him, until the end.

    I will treasure this last cd that is in the works now and I'm sure you will too!

    I will always feel a sadness, remembering the loss of our wonderful Dan Fogelberg!

    Thanks, Sarah, for coming by! I DO visit your blog but I guess you have yours set up not to receive comments.

    Hope you come again.

    Junie- your fellow DanFan
