Monday, July 07, 2008

Yesterday ~ July 6, 2008

Early yesterday I looked out my kitchen window and saw this! Actually, there were several others, too, that had come to eat!

I knew my pictures wouldn't be great through the window and screen, but I had to try!

:) Pretty- if not perfect!

Later in the morning Charles and I went out for a Hardee's chicken biscuit!

That's the best place I know for a chicken biscuit! We don't go there very often because it's quite a distance from us...20 miles, I'd say! But it happened we had errands out that way so we didn't want to pass up the chance of getting our favorite thing for breakfast! :)

One of the things I had on my list was to look for bar/counter stools for my new kitchen counter extension! Didn't find anything I wanted, though! :(
I just need plain stools that I can slide under the counter when not in use... the space isn't big enough for anything elaborate and I really don't even want stools with backs ! LOL-PLUS- I don't want to spend a lot of $$$. I just want something casual and useful- to be used, mainly, for sitting to make phone calls!

After checking at some of the furniture stores ,with no luck, (everything was way too big and fancy for my tastes) I even tried this place! In the past I have found some really neat stuff here and in other thrift stores! But didn't find anything this time! :(

( This- I thought- was a pretty example of BLUE-and I thought of the recent BLUE PROJECT...LOL- a little late...but still- I like the picture!)

~ LOL- You'll all think I'm a cheap-o , but I'm thinking of getting a couple of plain pine stools that they have at Wal-Mart!
:) I think they would be just fine! We'll see!


Yesterday I was walking around the back yard and saw this little visitor!

I call her 'Goldie!' I have seen her before , several times. I'm not sure if she's homeless... but she always seems hungry. Over time, she has become a little less shy with me...She will come close enough to eat the Meow Mix I offer her...and yesterday she gave me a real quick nudge with her head, as cats do...just a quick contact of affection! :) It was kinda funny- it was so quick. And it seemed to surprise her as much as it did me! LOL- because she jumped back very quickly, after making the gesture!

She's pretty!
( I say 'she' but I don't know for sure! )

....Like I need another cat.... haha



  1. Are those birds a type of cardinal. They look much like our Northern Cardinal but don't seem to have the same feathers at the back of the head.

    Nice of you to feed the homeless kitty cat.

  2. One cat just leads to another cat...LOL

    That is a great pic of the birds. You can't tell it is through a screen door.
    Billy loves Hardee's bisquit and I try to feel offended. Hey, I make a good bisquit too! As for being cheap o,,are you kidding? That is not being cheap,,,it is being honorable quality.

  3. The cardinal pictures turned out great Junie and you can't even tell that there's a screen between the birds and your camera. My screens always seem to show up.

    I was about to suggest W-M because as you were describing the stools I remembered seeing some nice, not to costly ones at W-M. Glad you found them.

    And speaking of finding things....
    That cat looks like my lost Ferbie. He was our tomcat that went missing over a year ago, although taking a second look I don't think his tail was that fluffy. I'm happy to hear that your new kitty likes Meow Mix because if that's Ferbie, that's exactly what he liked.

  4. Hi Junie, I love Hardees biscuits and I think the cat has found a new home. I take stuff to Goodwill ever so often and I always go in and look around. The one here is more crowded than Walmart. Hope you find your stools.

  5. Hi Junie,Nice pic of the birds and the stray cat, I bet you got a fright when you werent expecting it to come so close,.What is a Hadee;s biscuit?never heard of one..

  6. Hardee's sounds good right now!
    I like the angle on the goodwill picture - nice!

  7. Miss Junie! I can't get over how Much you look like my cousin Betty who lives in Connecticut...Geez!! It's like looking at Her!!lolol...That kitty Really needs some Love! I know Your're just the one to give it!!hughugs

  8. Hi AC,

    Yes, they are Cardinals. I looked at the pics after your comments, again, and see that the crested head isn't showing! I was surprised because I know they are Cardinals!

    Didn't see the kitty yesterday so maybe she DOES have a home near by!

    Have a great day.


  9. Thanks for coming, Eve.

    Well, the kitty may have a home, as she didn't show up yesterday here. You're right, tho, about one cat leading to another. We've always had cats-and never just one! :)

    I love watching the birds and I DO like that picture- although it's not a sharp image.

    Haven't yet bought those stools but I probably will go with those at Wal- Mart!

    Take care,


  10. Hi Donna,

    My goodness! Well that's pretty cool that I have a look alike ...Probably not so much in real life, tho. For instance- I am a very short lady- just 5 ft.tall! Is your cousin short too?

    The little cat didn't come around yesterday so maybe she DOES have a home.

    Have a great day, Donna.


  11. Thanks for visiting-





    Happy you like the bird pic! Me too- although it's not a sharp pic!

    Also- thanks for the interest in my bar stool search and I will probably go with the ones at Wal-Mart.

    As for the kitty, she didn't show yesterday :( I guess she mush have a home near by.

    Carletta! I like that Goodwill picture too....All thoue different blues together looks good! :) And I got that angle just as I wanted it!

    Gee! Taking photos can be fun!!!:)



  12. We have a family of cardinals that settled in our yard. They're fun to watch every day.

  13. Hi Fred,

    Cardinals are probably my favorite bird!! :) We have a lot at our place.

    Have a great Florida day! :)


  14. Hi Junie,
    What a cute kitty! Hope she finds a home or finds her way home!!
    Those plain stools that WalMart has work great and I found some nice padded covers for mine that just slip on (and off for washing)
    I think I found the covers at Linens and Things..

  15. Hi Susie,

    Thanks for the comments. I probably will get the little stools at Wal-Mart- and little covers would look pretty so I'll look for those too!

    Hugs))) hope you're having a good day- and that those fires are not near you or any of your family.


  16. That's some chicken biscuit, Junie! Looks real delish! :)

  17. Omigosh those chicken biscuits look soooo yummy! We don't have that place here...I need to move to Florida! hehe Such beautiful cardinals...we don't get them over here in my little part of the world, I guess we're too far north for them. I know what kind of stools you're talking about that they have at WalMart and I think they would look great where you want them. They just don't seem to make plain stools with no backs to them anymore!! Awww look at that kitty, I'm so glad he's found you and is starting to show trust...the stray I've been feeding since winter is now letting me come near but still won't allow me to touch him/her. It's a start, though, considering before if he even saw me he'd go run and hide! xoxo

  18. Thanks to all for your visits and comments! :)

