Thursday, August 07, 2008

A Birthday...and much more

Today was my sister's baby sister! : ) Joy is 3 years younger than me.

I tell her she will never catch up with me, though, and I will always be the big sister-and she- the baby sister! ;)

Neither of us are 'spring chicks' any more...sad but true! ( Chicks, maybe, just not at the 'Spring' stage anymore! haha )

Here we are at about ages one and four.

And as teenagers...

And a more recent one of us.
I'm not sure when this was but it was Christmas. Joy had given me the fluffy chicken as a gift! :)

Happy Birthday, Sis!

We weren't able to get together today, but hope to one day next week! I bought her a neat gift today! :) It's all wrapped up and I must keep it as a surprise so can't tell, even you guys, what it is!

I got for me these new duds, too! Don't you just LOVE 70% off sales? I got 2 pants, 2 shirts and the birthday gift - all for $61.00 and change! :)

I came out of that store smiling!! :)

...I also got this cute little crafty , Christmasy looking, sheep at a little country type shop next door to the Dept. Store. I had never been in the store but they really have some neat things in there! I decorate a lot at Christmas and love the old fashioned look. This little sheep will fit in, fine!

I was really beat by the time I finished my shopping, including grocery shopping- so the rest of the day I did nothing at all! ( except cook a little supper for the guys)

I relaxed with some good Mark Knopfler music on Youtube and posted one for your viewing pleasure in the post below this one! :)

I DO become a little fanatical about things I like a lot! Have you noticed?? :) Oh well, that's just me... all part of the package!


Tomorrow I will continue with the Alabama trip!

Have a good night, y'all!

Junie Rose


  1. What cute teenagers you two were!
    Happy Birthday to Sis!

    I LOVE that lamb and would love visiting the store. My house is decorated in this primitive country style.

  2. Thanks, Carlotta,

    We were always close as we were the youngest of 5 and close together in age.

    Yes, you'd love this store where I got the sheep as it's all that style of things. I like the Primitive Country too, but most of what I have are in Christmas things.


  3. But your Sis is catching up. In that first pic you are four times older than she and now there's very little difference.

  4. :)

    hmmm...never thought of it just that way!

    Thanks for coming over, AC.


  5. Aw, such sweet pictures!! I wanted a sister too but no, nobody ever listens to me!! hahaha

    Happy Belated Birthday, Joy!! :)

  6. Thanks, Sally!

    Hope you're having a good day.


  7. Happy Belated Birthday to your baby sister!! Such precious pictures of you two as infants, teenagers and now. You're both beautiful:-) xoxo

  8. Dear June ~~ I hope your sister Joy
    had a wonderful birthday. Love all your photos and the one of the sky.
    My blog was off the air the last two days, but we are good again today.
    It is a pain when things don't go as they should. Glad you enjoyed your trip to see Mark Knoppler. He's good.
    Family reunions are great too.
    Take care dear June, Love, Merle.

  9. Thanks for coming over- Pea and Merle!

    Will visit you soon.


