Monday, August 11, 2008

A GRAND gathering!

On Sunday we had all the kids and grands here...and there were several reasons for the visit so I am not sure which qualifies as the official reason! No matter~ any reason is good enough for this old Ginga to have the kids all come around!
(Marc, my SIL, was the only one missing)

Possible reasons....

#1 ~
Zach recently had his braces removed and we hadn't yet seen his fabulous smile! (Note that smile in the pics! )

#2 ~
Tina, Alli, Dan and Brian were unable to go down for Zach's birthday last month and they had some gifts for him!

#3 ~
Orlando folks had not yet seen my new kitchen counters, nor had they seen the works in progress of the little house that Chris will be moving into soon!

#4 ~
My grandsons, Dan and Bri hadn't been down in quite awhile... and they knew I was really wishing I could see them!! ;)

#5 ~
:) They all wanted to hear about our trip and how we enjoyed the Knopfler concert!
(...And how we managed to get sooo lost in Atlanta!)

#6 ~
They wanted some of that good Whitts BBQ that we always bring back when we go to Alabama!!

#7 ~
They all just love us a lot and wanted to see us! YAH!!!

LOL- Maybe all of the above!

Anyway, we all had a nice visit and enjoyed the good BBQ and the good conversations!

The pictures are not great but they are us and that's what's important!

Oh! My girls, Tina and Alli, found this coffee mug and thought it just perfect for me!!

love it!! :)

Junie Rose (Ginga)


  1. Like you mentioned, any reason is a good one to have the younguns come around. The event looked like fun! ec

  2. Love that first image of the sun face against the weathered wood.
    And that mug - I want one!

  3. Dear June ~~ What a lovely family gathering, and who cares what the reason was. You all looked great and the food and conversation good - what more could you want. Love that mug. LOL. Glad you liked the joke about Bill Gates, who must be a very intelligent man. We had that joke years ago when Paul Keating was Prime Minister and He got the Back Pack.

    Take care, dear friend, so glad you had a happy time with family.
    Love, Merle.

  4. I think they come around mostly because they love you! Great pictures.

  5. LOL - that is too cute, and the pictures ARE great!!

  6. Wonderful pics... And tell Zach he has a wonderful smile too.... Looks like your family loves you very much. That is the best blessing to have is for someone to love you, and it looks like you were well blessed.

  7. Hi Junie,
    Looks like a fun gathering and all those are perfect reasons for getting together. I'm sure you feel like I do though that no one needs a reason to stop in at Grammy's!

  8. :)

    Thanks-all of you- for your warm and friendly comments!


  9. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I looked at the pictures and the thought occurred--One big happy family---And you guys sure show it!!!!
