Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hi Folks

Hi Folks,

I hope you've all had a good weekend.

Today was a good one for us thanks to the weather, in this regard! We still had quite a lot of rain from that storm system, but at least it wasn't continuous!

We had a visit today from our grandson, Zach and his girlfriend.

None of us here had met her before today. Tina and Alli were able to come up, too.
Have to say we all found Zach's friend Ashley, to be a delightful young lady! :) Alli and Ashley seemed to hit it off just great, right from the start.

Everyone went to the flea market for awhile, except me. I didn't feel up to it today... anyway, I needed to stay home to put a meal together for us later.

They were back after a couple hours, then the 3 young folks went on the golf cart to see the horse and the cows!

After our lunch it was non-stop chit chat about music and travel,pets and schools and a variety of other subjects. Lots of time was spent on the computer- lol- but not by me! :)


Here - Charles is showing Zach this flag we found last week at the flea market! Charles and I are fanatics about the flag, and never pass up an opportunity to buy a good , cloth, one. We were both excited with this 'find! It's a BIG flag, (5 x 9 -1/2) fabric - hand sewn stars and Old. It's a 48 star flag! It's in perfect shape!! :) I hope to get a picture of it flying , one day soon!

I also hope to research the info on it so we might determine where it was used! Charles thinks it was probably a military flag.

A good day!




  1. What a nice visit Junie...and Zach and Ashley are a really cute couple. I love that dad had a huge flag like that one. He use to hang it between two trees at our old house when I was a kid...I think it was a military flag too.

  2. Hi Junie,
    Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the weekend! Zach's new girlfriend is such a pretty girl.
    I love to see Old Glory flying too. I'll look forward to your picture.
    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  3. Ashley is a lovely young lady. Good for Z.
    I'd forgotten about the staggered stars they had to use on the 50 star model and this one without looks strange now. Neat ol glory for sure.

  4. I believe it was one with which they covered the casket for a military funeral. I have one just like it that was Bob's dad's funeral flag.

  5. Thanks, all of you, for your comments!

    Margie- about the flag- my husband thought this one might be a flag used for a casket but I guess there's no way to know for sure.

    I'm just thrilled that we found it!


  6. Hi Junie! What a nice visit and day! Your grandson and his girlfriend make a nice looking couple!

    I love the flag!! Hope you can find out the info about it. Very interesting!

  7. Zach's girlfriend is cute as a bug, and he looks so handsome in his glasses. Glad ya'll had a good day. Love the flag; I tried to research it but didn't find too much that you hadn't already posted.

    Have a great day. Hope you're feeling better!!

  8. Thanks,girls, for your visits.

    (Rachel and Sally)

