Saturday, August 30, 2008

~ In my life today ~

B u t t e r f l i e s !

(Cloudless Sulphur)

Info about this butterfly is here!

I see a lot of these small and pretty and fluttery butterflies around my flowers. They will not be still for more than a few seconds so it's hard to capture them in pictures! Oh! It's also not possible to get them with wings spread to each side, as that's not their way of doing things! :) They usually hang upside down as they 'work the flowers,' with wings held close together!


We also have a lot of these guys hanging around our place!


I don't know the name of this spider. I find them interesting to look at, and I marvel at their webs, but I don't get too up close and personal with them!

( Click on pics to enlarge )


We have had a lot of rain today, due to that storm that's brewing out there, I suppose! It's that season so we have to expect these storms! Kinda scary, nonetheless! This is how our skies look today...well- at least - before the rain started!

Hope you've all had a good day!



  1. I don't take pictures of spiders or bugs of any kind. They give me the creeps.

  2. I love your pictures!! The spider looks like the same kind I posted today. I counted over 200 of those butterflies last year in one day but I sure didn't know the name of them. I'm going to write it down so I won't forget. Good post!

  3. Your butterflies are lovely!! The spiders not so much. hahaha But, they ARE interesting!!

    We haven't had any rain yet today, but I expect before the night is over we will. Golly, those poor folks in Louisiana and the panhandle. I'm sorry for them!


  4. Hi , all you girls,

    Thanks for reading me today and looking at my critters! :)


    I don't like spiders a lot either, but I DO find them interesting!


    yah, those little yellow butterflies are pretty, aren't they!! I see a lot of them so decided to look them up and put a name to them! (lol-NOT that I will remember it, probably!) :) I've noticed you photograph spiders and their webs often, just as I do! :) They are interesting!


    Yes, I feel for the folks in the path of the storms! Could be us at any time, too!


  5. Hey Ginga

    I took some picture of a butterfly yesterday too! It wasn't flying away because I think it had gotten wet.
    I just posted a few of them on my blog, check them out. :)

  6. VERY COOL, Alli!

    You have a really good camera for these close up shots!!

    Those little yellow butterflies are just everywhere right now!!

    Love you,


  7. There is NO way I'm going to click on the spider pictures to enlarge them! LOL You know me and spiders! hehe You did get some great pictures of the you say, it's so very hard to take pictures of them as they move around so much.

    Hopefully the rain will soon's been an absolutely gorgeous weekend here so far. Being the Labour Day weekend, many people are out to their cottages or camping and they're certainly having the perfect weather for it. Corey came home on Friday afternoon and left Saturday morning to go to a friend's to see him for one meal! lol

    Happy Labour Day weekend dear Junie! xoxo

  8. Beautiful butterfly photos!

    The spider - cute - but not for me. :)
