Junie's Place: Our trip-# 2 ( the concert experience ~ Lost in Atlanta)

Monday, August 04, 2008

Our trip-# 2 ( the concert experience ~ Lost in Atlanta)

....Alrighty... surely you didn't expect things to move along smoothly for us, did you? That's not the way it goes with us these days.

On the way up I was playing my Knopfler cds ( mostly my intentions were to get C. interested in the music - because, as a pure country fan, he has a tendency to dismiss most other music that I like; a simple fact of life!) Anyway, he had to admit that Mark Knopfler has a good sound, so I was happy for that! Knopfler does have some songs that are slightly country flavored - or , at least, folksy sounding!! GOOD!

As we got closer into Atlanta the traffic intensified, alarmingly! The skies also darkened and rain fell... in soft sprinkles and all the way across the board, to torrents! It looked like it would be a rainy night for this outdoor concert... if, indeed, it wasn't cancelled, outright! :( About this time , too, I remembered I had forgotten my binoculars! (my best laid plans falling by the wayside- along with the rain!!)

We were able to find our motel~ laQuinta~ without a lot of problems. We had about 3 hours or so before time for the concert so in this time we had dinner. I also had to find a place to buy a new Binocular! I knew I'd need it to, better, enjoy the show !

When Charles checked in he got the lady to print out directions to Chastain Park, the location of the concert. K~ We felt we were all set to go!

We got ready and started out. Soon- even being very unfamiliar with Atlanta-we knew these directions were not right! We knew Chastain Park was supposed to be
not so far from the motel. These directions took us directly back into the heart of downtown Atlanta! We were hopelessly lost...and we just knew we'd miss the show...

We asked directions several times but with no good answers...Finally we asked a young man who just happened to be going to Chastain Park area. He said, ''Just follow me and I'll take you there." He did just that, making sure not to lose us in the traffic! :) He didn't leave us until he had found us a place at a parking lot there! :) Charles said that young man restored his faith in humanity! :) I agreed! What an angel he was!

OK~ Thanks to that nice guy we made it just before Mark Knopfler and his band came on stage!
The rain, too, had stopped completely by this time, so, though it was hot and muggy, everyone settled in to a couple hours of good music!

The show really was great, too, with a mix of old songs from Dire Straits times to some of Knopfler's newer songs! Most of my favorites were played~ including 'Romeo & Juliet,' 'Telegraph Road,' 'Sultans of Swing,' 'So Far Away,' and my favorite~'Brothers in Arms!' He played a full 2 hours ! It was wonderful! Charles liked it too - admitted Mark Knopfler is a great guitarist. However, not knowing the songs, said he couldn't understand any of the words!

LOL- Well- I tried!!


Soooo....about 11:00 we are leaving the concert grounds. We thought we knew how to find our way back to the interstate that would lead us back up to our motel. Well - we didn't! We got totally -hopelessly - frighteningly - lost for a second time that day/night! We asked directions at least a dozen times!! (no kidding) But each time we ended up more confused than ever! It was like a Twilight Zone story!!

One problem is - we have no business driving at night and especially in a strange place!
(lol- what stranger or more confusing place than Atlanta at night!!!) We finally made it back to our motel at almost 2:00 AM! (No kidding- we drove around in circles almost 3 hours!!)
Needless to say, we were both very weary by the time we found our place, and I fell asleep the moment my head touched my pillow!

The next morning, leaving Atlanta, we managed to get a little lost again!

LOL- Charles says no more Atlanta trips for him! :) I told him our girls, Tina and Alli, wouldn't have a problem...and it's true! :) So I guess the only way I'll see Atlanta again is with my girls!

IS a fabulous city to see....even the confused way we did it! ;)

Atlanta ~ through the wind shield~


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At 3:58 PM , Blogger Skye said...

Wow, Junie... what a lot of getting lost! No wonder you were exhausted! I'm glad to hear that the concert was worth it, though. :)

At 4:32 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

:) YES!!!

Marc Knopfler gave us a great show!

At 5:55 PM , Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Glad you enjoyed what you went for. Perhaps it's time for a GPS? Failing that, do what I do, and spend some quality time with Google Maps before going anywhere.

At 6:10 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi AC,

Yep- for sure we should have studied a map....but we DID get the hotel person to google the directions to the venue...only problem was - she sent us to downtown Atlanta instead. If we had gone directly to the venue I think we could have backtracked with no problem after the show!

LOL- It was just a confused mess- but that's life sometimes!


At 8:24 PM , Blogger Judy said...

I have been lost in Atlanta and I know how frustrating it can be. I hate that Atlanta by-pass, too. So much traffic! Glad you found your way home and had a good time!

At 9:24 PM , Blogger Eve said...

When I told Billy you were going to Atlanta, he said, "I hope they don't get lost, Atlanta is a big place". Getting lost is not fun. We've done it before. We use to have fun when we were younger, if we got lost, but now we just want to get back to our hotel room. : )

I'm glad you enjoyed the concert though and you will always have those good memeories of Atalana.

At 12:39 AM , Blogger mreddie said...

Atlanta is always a driving adventure, even if you are just driving through on the interstate. ec

At 2:14 AM , Blogger Fred said...

I love these pictures. Coke is such an important part of Atlanta. If you go to ajc.com and click on their business section, they have sites just for Coke and Delta.

I worked in Douglasville and had to take I-20 west, which was a blessing becasue everyone else was going into town via I-20 east. The traffic could sometimes be horrific, though.

Thanks for a great post. I enjoyed it.

At 4:19 PM , Blogger Carole Burant said...

I get so turned around when I'm driving, I wouldn't have been able to find my way back home! lol It truly is scary when you can't find your way back to the hotel...3 hours of driving around at night would be no fun at all!!! Glad you did make it to the concert, though, and that you both enjoyed it:-) xoxo

At 6:09 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks , all of you, for your comments!

:) Seems we're not the only ones who have found Atlanta to be a challenge! :)


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