Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pileated Woodpecker

Today I want to share some pictures I recently got on our property.

This is a little unusual, the sighting of these birds around here
, so when I DO see them it's a big deal for me!

(Lol- yes! I'm an excitable girl!)

The pictures are not the greatest because I didn't want to risk causing the bird to fly away, and I didn't want to disrupt his meal either, just for a photo shoot!

...I just zoomed in as much as I could and both 'Woody' and I were happy!

Fact from Wickapedia:

* The Pileated Woodpecker was the model for the cartoon character Woody Woodpecker*

Go here for more on this bird!


It's a rainy day here, due to 'Fay', of course. Thankfully, though, this one hasn't been a bad one! I, actually, haven't been keeping up with things much, the past few days...but Fay seems to have been very mild as far as our storms go! Good thing , because I'm not up to dealing with a hurricane right now! :) Of course~ we do what we have to when these things happen!

I'm still not feeling well and am still waiting for an appointment for the stress test!
(LOL- Maybe this waiting is part of the test, ya think?)

Catch you guys later!



  1. Hi Junie,

    We saw a pileated woodpecker three times last year in our front yard. I was amazed! I thought they were supposed to be extinct.

  2. The pileated woodpecker is cute! I see one every now and then around here. A woodpecker that is...don't know if it's a pileated woodpecker or not!

    I'm glad Fay isn't giving you any trouble!

  3. Love the red headed woodpecker pictures. I see one in my trees every once in a while but not very often. I am sorry you are not feeling well still and hope you are taking care of yourself and taking it easy.

  4. Beautiful Woody! Hope you're resting sweetie!!hughugs

  5. Great shots of the woodpecker. I'm envious!
    Wish Fay would bring us some rain. We need it so badly.

  6. Thanks, all you ladies!

    Yes! That Woody IS a handsome guy, isn't he!!

    Sorry I am not much into blogging at the moment...I AM reading your blogs but not commenting much! Hopefully I will soon get back into the groove of things!


  7. Hello dear Junie:-)

    You got some great shots of that woodpecker! We get one that comes around once in a can always hear him when he is around! lol

    I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. I always say the waiting part is the most stressful part!! At least it's a good sign that the EKG didn't show a heart attack but hopefully the stress test will give more answers. I can well imagine how scared it made you feel to have that "episode"!! You are in my prayers, dear Junie!! xoxo

  8. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Good picture of the woodpecker he is cute , I would of dashed for my camera too!!

  9. Gorgeous woodpecker, Junie! I'd love to see one of those. :) Take it easy and take care of yourself, okay?

  10. Junie, these are marvelous photos of Woody!
    I loved that cartoon!!

  11. Junie, some very nice photos of the pileated woodpecker! I hope you start feeling better soon.

    I have a brand new award for you at my blog - come see! :)

  12. gday Junie great photo of Woody woodpecker, now I can say ive seen one even if its a photo... take good careand hope your feeling yourself again very soon...xxxxxx

  13. Thanks again, ladies, for all your nice comments!

    I'll try to get back to individual replies to all comments soon, but for now I will just say thanks to you all together.

    I'm doing ok - hope you all are well, too.

    Love ,

