Wednesday, August 06, 2008

To NORTH ALABAMA! (our trip #4)

Lol! ... and I bet you didn't even know there was a
NORTH Alabama! ;)

Oh, well- you must excuse my feeble attempts with my jokes! :)
It has just always struck me as kinda funny- to hear it called
NORTH Alabama, 'cause we're certainly the deep south there, and proudly hold on to the traditions!

Our destination was Priceville, (near Decatur) where we would have our home base for the few days there, with my brother and sister in law! The reunion was with Charles' family in Athens, just 15 miles or so north of there! The 2 sides of our families being that close makes it much easier for us to visit. It's always good to have a place to set up for awhile, rather than lug all our stuff from one place to the other!

Things seem to get harder as we age! Has anyone else noticed that? ;)
Many thanks to my brother and his wife for making it easier for us!

...But first...on the way NORTH we went through Springville and visited Pleasant Hill. This was to pay our respects to my dad and so many others of my kin-folks. Dad has been gone since 1963. He died at the too early age of 59 years! I always take Dad yellow flowers whenever we visit up there! Yellow was his favorite color!

Mom and Daddy both were born and grew up in this part of Alabama. We moved to Fl when I was quite young so I only have very early memories of living in Alabama. I have written about some of them in my 'Mom' blog.

DO have some early memories of Pleasant Hill, as all the family would go there on 'Decoration' day. This was in May for our Pleasant Hill folks! It was a big-all day- event...dinner on the ground...visiting with relatives...remembering our loved ones... I don't think that happens as much these days!

( click pictures to enlarge )

James Cummings Hallmark, one of the founders of Pleasant Hill church, was my mother's grandfather.

( It made me sad when they tore down the original church several years ago to build a new one on the opposite end of the cemetery!

... :) You know how much I do not like change!)

My mom's original plan was to be there too...but late in her life she changed her mind, as Florida had been her home for so many years. I have, and will always have, mixed feelings about this. In a way I feel that's where Mom should be...but in a way I'm comforted a little to have her here in our town! I know it doesn't really matter because Mom and Dad, both, will always be here - in my heart!

Oh! Forgive me for rambling on so...

( ...but she's and it IS her blog! ) :)

~More later~

Love Y'all,

Junie Rose


  1. You know Miz Junie...They're not there...they're with You...Everytime I have to go to the cemetery, I Know Mom & Daddy are riding in the back seat with me...laughing and cutting up...just along for the ride. Wonderful pictures sweetie!!hughugs

  2. I was going to ask you why your mom and dad weren't buried together but as I read on, you answered! lol As you say, it really doesn't matter where they are, they will always be a part of you:-)

    I so enjoyed reading this part of your travels...going back to Pleasant Hill must bring back so many wonderful memories for you. What a shame they tore down the original church your great grandfather was a founder of.

    And yes...everything does get harder to do as we get older! lol xoxo

  3. I lived in Atlanta for a few years and when we traveled north, it didn't matter where you were going, you just told people North Georgia.

    Very poignant post. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  4. Anonymous5:50 PM

    hey Ginga, I see you and Gabbo got around. I hope you had a good time and I'm glad you made it home safely. I'm doing alright but it's slow out here. Well take care

  5. Hi Marc,

    It's good to hear from you. I think about you often and hope you're safe out there!!

    Oh yah- we had a good time-Gabbo and me! That Mark Knopfler show was GREATT...but you probably read that Gabbo and me were like a couple of lost puppies in Atlanta- before and after the show!

    But we made it ! :)

    Take care, Marc!


  6. Hi Fred,

    I'm glad you're enjoying these posts> Lol- some are probably getting bored with them! :)

    Take care,

    Junie (in NORTH FL. )

  7. Thanks for reading,

    Pea and Donna, and for your thoughtful comments.



  8. Thanks for visiting me and your comment Junie. I don't really think it matters where we are buried. Like you said our loved ones reside in our hearts.

  9. Ramble all you want, Junie, I enjoy reading your rambles. Does rambling come with age too? I seem to be doing more of it these days.

  10. Hi Doug,

    well, that's nice to hear from you! :) I'm glad you enjoy my posts-because I sure do have fun with this blogging thing!

    LOL- Yah - I guess 'rambling' does go along with getting older>....but in real life I'm rather quiet and shy- don't talk much at all! :)

    Thanks Doug,


  11. Thanks so much for your visits, Judy.

    I truly do enjoy the historical things you write about on your blog!


  12. Gday Junie, I enjoy reading your Ramblings..What a shame the church was pulled down..My Mum. Hubby and Brother reside deep in my heart forever.....

  13. Hi Jen,

    I'm glad you like to read my stuff! :) Thanks!

    Yes, I always hate seeing old building torn down- especially in this case because this was part of our family history.

    I'll be over to visit you soon.


  14. Love your ramblings Junie....always have.....

  15. We live in southern Ontario.

  16. You are NOT old, and this IS your blog which I love reading! I'm sorry your daddy passed away so young, Junie. :(

    The yellow flowers are pretty.
