Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Autumn ~ a poem


There’s nothing as fine
as an Autumn Day,
with the smell in the air
of fresh mown hay.

Each tree is a wonder
of beauty,untold,
each leaf brushed with color,
a sight to behold!

There’s a nip in the air-
crisp, cool and clear,
to remind us that winter
soon will be here!

But for now we have Autumn
- the ‘Show-Off’ of seasons-
my favorite by far,
and these are the reasons!

June Kellum
Oct. 1973


  1. LOVE that poem, Junie!! :)

  2. Wonderful poem Junie!
    Well done.

  3. Beautiful, dear Junie. It totally describes the day we're having here today:-) xoxo

  4. Your header picture is beautiful!! I like the poem too. You're a poet and don't know it!

  5. Thanks, ladies!

    lol- as you see by the date -THAT poem is from many years ago!

    During this time period I was visiting my sister who lived in Pa.- and I went there several times in the fall! Fell in love with the fall season, but have never had much experience with it, living in Fl most of my life!
    I like my header....but there's a couple little things I'd like to change...probably won't, as I'm afraid of messing things up! :) ...see- I got Alli to put it up for me...I'm not sure I can do it!

    (lol- ok! the little things that are bugging me is....
    #1~ I didn't get it centered quite right!

    #2~ I put the wrong date on it! It was not '05 - but'06!

    #3 - AND~the color of 'Junie's Place' is not quite right!

    Oh, well! Guess I'll just live with it , as is!


  6. Anonymous8:49 PM

    That was great! :-)

  7. :0 glad you liked it.


  8. What a delightful poem!
    Your poem is as pleasant and cheery as autumn is.


  9. Jamie Dawn,

    Thanks! You say the nicest things about my poems! :)

    I'm glad you like them because so many people are not into poems at all!!

