Monday, September 15, 2008

Hi Folks! Sept.15, 2008

Hi folks,

Just want to - as they say- 'touch base' with you all this morning.

I haven't posted in a couple days and I don't want to get into the habit of
slacking if I can help it...because then it just makes it harder to get back into the routine of it all.

Truth is, I have had a troublesome weekend due to the fact that I have not felt well at all. I have come down with something like the flu again and feel like pure
heck - even today! I am not sleeping well and feel really exhausted throughout the day.

All the bad happenings (the hurricane and that train crash) of the past few days have just added to my inability to relax. I feel for all those people who have been victims. Can't stop thinking of the hardships they face, even though I don't know, personally, anyone who went through these events.

(And, the anniversary of '9-11' has added to my sadness.)

Also-the political scene has me engaged (and enraged) way more than I wish, and keeps my head in a whirl!!

Up to now, the blog has been a way to relax and escape the cares of daily life. NOW it seems a hostile place, more often than not, with political attacks for the candidates flying every which way. (in blogs and comments) Of course we all DO have the right to speak our feelings here!
I just find it a little off-putting in the blog circle that I have always loved and participated in ... as a place to relax.

And that being said...

for myself -yes- I have put my political preference on my side bar but that low key gesture is as far as I ever intend to go. I will NOT put bad taste jokes or put downs on this blog. I'll leave that to others who are better at it and, apparently, find more pleasure in that sort of thing.


Frankly, my dears, I'd rather be talking about flowers, the sky, music, grand kids, and/or SPIDERS!

Junie Rose


  1. Hi Junie,
    So sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well or sleeping. I'm sorry that "our happy little blog world" has added to your feelings of sadness.
    There is so much trouble and strife in the world right now, but I always try to remember how very blessed most of us truly are.
    Sending you (((hugs)))

  2. Junie, I hope you begin to feel better soon!!

  3. Oh Junie, I hate that you're not feeling well! Please take care and feel better soon.

    I haven't visited but one blog that has made a statement about politics, and that's just FINE with me. I'm like you, not going there, period. I will say this - I think too many are making too much fun and being TOO ugly about a serious situation. That's all I'll say.

    Take care. ((HUGS))

  4. So sorry you are not feeling well. I picked up my grandson over the weekend and pulled something in my back. That is a horrible looking spider there Junie. I am terrified of spiders! I am like you, I would rather talk about light hearted things on my blog but I guess to each his own as they say. I sure hope you feel better.

  5. Thanks, ladies,

    You're all tops with me! :)

    All rays of sunshine!


  6. I just knew something was wrong!! I could just tell in your last few posts that something wasn't right...see how well we're all starting to know each other? lol It's very hard, indeed, to relax when so much is going on around you...sometimes a little blogging break does one good, I know that's what I do when I start feeling overwhelmed by everything. YES, let's talk flowers, sky, music, grand kids but NOT SPIDERS!!!! You knew that was coming from me, didn't you! lol xoxo

  7. Good for you Junie! I don't like to get into all the political where-fors either...and I hope you feel better really soon!!!(((HUG))) the pictures!hughugs

  8. You said it all so nicely!
    Love that big ole spider web. Nice shot!
    Hope you feel better real soon.

  9. AC




    Thanks to all of you for your visits
    and good wishes.

    I'll visit you all soon, but may take a couple days to recover from this cold or whatever it is!!

    Take care,


  10. Hi Junie,
    I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope it passes by soon so you can feel like your old self.
    I know how you feel about all the worldly things - they do get in the way of joy.
    I invite you to come by my blog any day. No polictics,no bad jokes or putdowns. I've had flowers for two days and tomorrow there's a spider planned.
    Now, feel better soon.

  11. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. The political picture could make anyone not feel well even if nothing else were wrong.

    You probably don't know then that you've been tagged on my blog.that's a fun thing to do to take your mind off the entire picture.

  12. Oh Junie, I hope you're feeling better now. Being away for the weekend, I'm just trying to touch base with my blog buddies now. Thinking of you sweetie....with love....

  13. Thanks, Ladies,

    I'll be fine...feeling better already, in fact! :)

