Saturday, September 06, 2008

Last night~finally...

Last night I finally managed to remember to see my Night Blooming Cereus open! This involved checking several times earlier in the night - and then, one last time after 11:00!

This is the 4th. bloom I've had this time but the first one I've remembered to catch just at the right time! This beautiful and unique flower only blooms out late at night and the blooms are over by morning! It's very disappointing to miscalculate the exact time it will bloom, and check the next day and see a withered bloom hanging there! :(

Wow! Fighting the mosquitoes and the possibility of spiders and snakes that I might stumble upon in this dark and remote corner of my back yard, were worth my trouble!

~Alli and I both did the earlier checking but she had gone home before this bloom finally opened! :( ~~ Ahh! But I got pictures! ;)

Look! Isn't it a beautiful flower! Here it is before opening and after it fully opened, late last

I cut this bloom and and put it in water, and, so, enjoyed it late into the night and early morning hours, knowing it would be wilted by morning!


I had one of these plants for years when we lived in Miami and I would spend nights up very late, waiting for these blooms! Mom loved them too and this was one of our things we shared! Being the night owls we both were this was just a fun thing for us to do! Sometimes there would be several blooms open at the same time - a spectacular sight to see!


I have pictures of those earlier flowers, taken on some of those late nights long ago! I wanted to post them but haven't been able to locate them! I have a ton of pictures! (you live a long time you collect a lot of memories!)

~~I definitely need an
*Organizer* around here!~~

This plant I have now is not the one I had all those years ago. My original one died the first year we were here. It was in a pot and I forgot to protect it from the cold.
I was so thrilled to find another one in a pot, several years later at a yard sale, and bought it . Fixed up 2 pots - one for mom and one for me! Mom and I were able to see some blooms again, several times together, in the years she had hers.

I remember my plant in Miami as having bigger blooms, so this may be a different variety. Still- it's beautiful and I'm so happy to have it! (especially so, with the memories it evokes of my mom and happy times we shared with these flowers!)

My blog friend Jamie Dawn recently wrote about these flowers. She visited a friend in California who has them! Go see her pictures!

And these she shows look bigger, too- more like my original ones!



Alli and I DID see this neat spider and web on our treks into the back yard last night!
This web was stretched between the frame of the swing! Luckily we didn't decide to take a rest there! :)

How do they do that!!

Spider webs fascinate me!!


Such wonders in our world!!



  1. Spiders are fascinating and hitonious at the same time!

    What glorious bloomers!
    That flower is gorgeous, and it does look like a different variety of Cereus. Both types have such amazing detail and delicacy to them. I find them to be a lot more fascinating and enjoyable than spiders.
    I'm so glad you and your mother enjoyed the blooms of the Cereus plant together. What lovely memories you must have.


    Gustav came up and REALLY packed a punch here in AR. We were without power for three full days!!!
    Hitonious guy, that Gustav.
    I posted pics and videos at my place if you care to see Gustav's wrath upon us.
    Have a nice weekend.

  2. What a beautiful flower! And hidden under a cloak of darkness too!

    That spider web is fantastic. I would hate to walk through it though "AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!"

  3. Such a pretty flower, Junie. I've never seen those before. Thanks for sharing.

    Those spiders are really something; I just don't ever want to be caught in a 'web'. :)

    Take care and have a nice weekend.

  4. P.S. If you need an organizer, and listened to the "convention" I'm sure you know who to call for help seeing as how that's about all he knows how to do besides being a narcisist (sp?). You know who I mean, right? :)

  5. Hi JD,

    Yes, my flower looks a bit different from the ones you posted about.(Naomi's ) I could see they were different from the ones I had before, the first time they bloomed! ;0 They are real special flowers!

    Oh! Sorry you got some action from that storm! (I haven't yet read your post but I will soon!

    I'm concerned now with IKE!

    Take care!


  6. Hi B13,

    Thanks for stopping in today! :)

  7. Hi Sally,

    Thanks! Glad you like the flower! It IS very unusual.

    ....and spider webs are just very fascinating to me! LOL- but I don't like the spiders!

    OH! Indeed I do know what you mean in your second comment too!!
    (...NOT to get political but-YES!!)



  8. I'm with you on the spider webs. That's one heckuva picture. The lighting on it is spectacular.

  9. What a lovely flower, Junie!! I've never heard of a night-blooming flower before... I think I would have been tromping around my garden at night looking for blooms too, if I'd had one! :)

  10. Beautiful flower, Indeed!!! Love the spider web to!! Great shots Junie!!hughugs

  11. Gorgeous flower! I have just purchased one last year and it's outside right now. But I'm thinking it'll take a long time to have it bloom? Do you know? It's all new to me of course. LOL

    But they are soooooo darned beautiful.

    Hope your weekend is peaceful and happy.

  12. Thanks Fred,

    lol-I have this weird fascination with spider webs and want to get a picture of every one I see! I like this one and will probably have it as my desktop picture during the Halloween season! :)


  13. Hi Skye,

    It is very beautiful and unusual. I'm glad I have it and would like to get the other kind also. LOL- I'll be looking for one!


  14. Hi Anni,

    Good to hear from you again.

    This flower IS something special! I'm not sure how soon you can expect it to bloom- but I do know they have a short blooming period each year and the blooms only last one night.

    There's lots of info to be found about them-check Wikipedia. And there are more than one variety of these related flowers. The one I have now is a bit different from the one I had before.

    Also check out Jamie Dawn's post about this flower.(and follow her link to her friend, Naomi! ( Naomi- in Los Angeles, Ca - seems to be an expert on these kinds of flowers)

    Thanks for coming by and I hope you're having a great weekend.


  15. Hi Donna,

    Thanks ! :)

    The flower is special...but so are Spider Webs!! :)


    Junie Rose

  16. I've never seen such a flower but it's really pretty! Amazing that it just blooms at nite.
    Love your spider webs! My daughter called me last week to tell me about one she has been watching. She says it packs up every nite and moves.

  17. What a lovely bloom Junie! I'm so glad you got to see it and glad for the pictures so we could see it too.
    I've so many spider shots lately. I don't like spiders and I'm very allergic to their bites but I so want a pic of my own. :)

  18. Anonymous7:11 PM

    beautiful photos - amazing spider webs.!!!
    Your Sis

  19. Beautiful and rare bloom! Great definition on the spider webs! ec

  20. Thanks,



    Mr. Eddie

    and SIS

    I'm happy you all enjoyed seeing the Flower and the web!!


  21. I'd heard about these flowers but have never actually seen one! How wonderful that you were able to see it opening...I wonder why it will only open late at night like that and then wither by morning?? Will have to Google them and find out! lol As for the spider, if I'd put my face through that web while walking I'd have died of a heart attack! lol xoxo

  22. Thanks for coming by, Pea!

    Yes! It's a really special flower and always a thrill to see!

    LOL- And I was happy we didn't get tangled up in that spider web...tho they will usually just try to get away if that happens!


  23. Hi Junie, Your late night walk in the garden was well worth it to see this beautiful plant in flower, its a shame it has to flower at night and where
    many growers would wake to a wilted flower.,
