Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tagged! AND-Alphabet Soup!

I was tagged by one of my newer Blog friends, Margie, to do this meme , so here goes!

Visit Margie to see her answers.

Here are the instructions:

I'm supposed to answer these questions and then tag three other people.

OK- Here we go!

1) Where was I - 10 years ago?

~ Ten years ago I was right here, although in very different circumstances. Ten years ago I was basically a full time care-giver (after school) of 3 of my 4 grandkids; who were ages 7-13-15 at that time. Also, my 4th. grandchild was here as often as he could manage ... not living in our town.

We were very into all the school activities and scouting and this time of year we were , no doubt, thinking of holiday things- going to fall festivals, etc! I was into crafts a lot in those days and participated in some fall craft festivals.

I also had my mom still here and living with us full time.

My days were full and happy. I miss those days a lot.

Oh! And I had not yet discovered the computer...

2) What's on my 'to do' list for today ?
LOL- Just to finish this post and get myself to doing something productive ...home maker type stuff!

3) What if I were a Billionaire ?
~I would share , of course, and would probably go broke again in awhile!

4) Places I have lived ?
~Alabama, Georgia, Florida

5) Bad Habits ?
~Resisting change in my personal life! I keep wishing for things that have passed and can never be again! LOL- YES- that's a bad habit!

6) Snacks I like ?
~ Ice Cream!! :)



I will tag~ Carletta, Pea and Rachel...but only if you want to do it!

Please don't feel you have to...
(even though I REALLY WANNA KNOW all this stuff!)


It's Alphabet Soup for lunch on Tuesdays!

Also.... I'd like to join in with Morning Glory's '
Alphabet Soup' fun!
Visit her for more info!

I'm a day late but I'm gonna join in anyway!!

The object is to pick something that enhances your life- starting with the letter 'A' this week!

Here's 2- right off the top of my head!


~Allison ~
My granddaughter!




  1. Hi Junie, It was delightful to see you today. I'm glad you're getting in on the Alphabet Soup fun. I'll look forward to the rest of your contributions.

    Your granddaughter is just beautiful!

  2. :) Thanks, MG!

    I think it will be fun to do the Alphabet Soup thing!

    See you next time! I'll 'B' there! :)


  3. Ummmm, Junie?? Care to share some of that ice cream cone you're holding there????? hehe I so enjoyed your answers to the meme questions. Wow, you certainly did have very busy days 10 years ago!! I'll gladly do the meme first chance I get...probably next week since I'm leaving on Friday to go out of town for the weekend, visiting my boys and attending my DIL's Baby Shower:-)

    Just love that picture of you and Alli!!! You're so lucky to have grandkids that you're so close to:-)

    As for your new Ruby jewelry in your previous post...OMIGOSH, what a beautiful set!! Lucky you:-) xoxo

  4. Thanks, Margie!

    Alli is a jewel! ;)

  5. Hi Pea,

    lol- That ice cream cone was WAY bigger than I expected! :) I think they did that on purpose....seeing how skinny and undernourished I looked! haha

    Oh! Have a great weekend with your kids! I know you're getting excited about the baby on the way!! Grandkids are the BEST FUN!

    Yah- I like those ruby pieces C. gave me-and it fits well for a Ruby Tuesday post :)

    K- do the meme but only if you want to!



  6. Fun post Junie!! I also like to know these kinds of things about my blogger Buddies...Happy night sweetie!hughugs

  7. Cute post and really cute picture of you with the ice cream cone! Your granddaughter is a very pretty young lady.

  8. :)


    Dot and Donna!

    BTW-I DIDN'T eat all of that! haha


  9. I enjoyed reading your responses.

    Boy oh boy, I like imagining what I'd do if I won a billion dollars. I'd give lots away too, also, just like you said. I'd love helping make others' lives better, and a billion dollars could help a LOT of people!!
