Monday, September 29, 2008

Our health update...

Today was my follow-up visit to my doctor and, happy to say, all seems well with me!
Since my cough/cold is about over I didn't even bring that up...lest I be sent off on another round of prescriptions and other tests which I can't afford! Lol- ok- I'm good for another 3 months!

SOON-I hope to be able to get into my walking again! I know I need that for my overall well I just gotta do it!

...But-THIS week is very worrisome for us. ( so it's doubtful I will do much walking 'til later) Charles got a call back about that skin cancer procedure he had done about 3 weeks ago...and they say the tests show it is more wide spread and he will need additional cutting out of 2 areas! This will be done on Thursday of this week and will be about a 3-4 hour procedure! It will be- way out - too, at least 45 miles from us.

We're not looking forward to that day...but, hopefully, all will go well and it will be successful! They said it is definitely Malignant Carcinoma- but that it can be successfully treated. This type skin cancer is often a result of sun damage! Charles has spent his whole life working out in the hot Florida sun!

Please keep good, positive thoughts for us!



  1. I'm a veteran of the type of procedure Charles will go through. I've had Mohs surgery and they cut me up all the time.

    Positive thoughts aimed up I-75!

  2. I can relate to what he is having done, I have had to be recut at least two times on the same type stuff. ec

  3. Glad you got a good report Junie,
    and I've said a prayer for Charles.

  4. It sounds dreadful but good that it can be treated. You and Charles will be in my prayers.

  5. I've said a prayer for Charles that all goes well.
    I enjoyed the tour of the pasture. The last calves to be born wouldn't survive most Nebraska winters being born right now. Up here they try to calve in March and April to give the calves a chance at winter.
    Take care.

  6. So glad you are o.k. Junie and Charles will be in my prayers. I hope all turns out well for him.

  7. Dearest Junie,

    Good to hear that your check up went well but I can imagine how worried you were when you found out Charles has go go back to have more skin cancer removed. Know that he's in my prayers. xoxo

  8. Thinking positive thoughts for Charles right now, Junie.

  9. I'm glad you are feeling better. My prayers wiil be with you and especailly on Thursday. I will be praying for the surgery to go well and pray he will heal fast. Take care of yourself too.

  10. So glad you had a good visit at the doc's Junie. I too need to get back to my walking....I've been away from it for several weeks now...lately because of my hip.

    I have very good and positive vibes for Charles....he will be fine sweetie. Don't you worry about it. Sending those good vibes your way....


  11. Bob, my husband, has had two melanoma and seven squamous cell carcinomas. All have been eliminated. Neither of his melanoma were over one half millimeter deep and had gone nowhere. The squamous cells were worse and they were on his scalp. It took six months for the wound to heal when they removed them.

    My prayers are with Charles. My hopes are that he has a great healing attitude.

  12. That's worrisome. Take care. Hope all goes well.

  13. Gday Junie, Pleased to hear your feeling a lot better but sorry to hear Charles has to have more surgery I wish him a very speedy recovery.. Deep in my thoughts..

  14. Great news about you, but not so great about Charles.
    I wish him a full & speedy recovery.
    I hope the day of the procedure is not too hectic.
    I pray all goes well.

  15. You both will be in my prayers.

  16. Thanks, all of you, for your concern and encouraging comments and good wishes-

    I feel we'll be fine.


