Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Alphabet Soup Tuesday -10~28~'08

It's time for Alphabet Soup Tuesday again! This week we are talking about the letter 'G.'

What things can you think of that begin with the letter 'G' that add a glow to your life?

Here are some letter 'G' things that are great additions to my life!

First and foremost is GOD...
the source of all my other
Great Gifts!

~ All my Guys and Girls!~

My girls:
Daughter~ Tina
Granddaughter ~Allison

My guys:
Husband~ Charles, (AKA Gabbo)
Son~ Chris,
SIL~ Marc

All the 'Grands' and the goofy, good times we have together!

Ginga & Gabbo- (aka June & Charles

Here is General ~ who generally guards my garden! ;)

I 'm getting a little carried away with my G's so I'm gonna stop for now.

Go visit Morning Glory for more of the letter 'G' by other bloggers!

You'll be glad you did! :)

Have a Good night!



  1. You always make your list so much fun to read. I just love your family photos!!

  2. Great photos and a great list - we all seem to have the same things on ours this week!

  3. That was a fun list! It looks like your family is full of fun. I'm sure that makes for great memories. I followed your link for Morning Glory's blog. Take care!
