Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Alphabet Soup Tuesday~10~7~'08


It's time again for Alphabet Soup Tuesday! 

 Visit Morning Glory for more on this!

Today we  will list things that begin with the letter 'D' which  add 'Delight' to our Days!

For me,  at the top of my list  would have to be my first grandson 'Dan!'

Our Dan was always a 'delight' to us and still is! 

These pictures are:

Dan and his  brother Brian when they were just little guys-hauling wood for a bonfire! :) Dan is the one in the red vest-showing off his muscles!  :)  (Good old days!)

Dan and his granny (Ginga)
 This was Dan, after graduation from high school.


Another special 'D' person in my life has been Dan Fogelberg and his beautiful music! (since the early 70's)

I was devastated with the news of his illness and his eventual passing in 2007.

  (  1951~2007 )

Dan Fogelberg ~ 'Longer'

( Youtube Video presented by ardenHK )


Other very Dear 'Ds' in my life:

My dad...
 (who we lost way too early, at age 59)

My sister Dolores...
 (I have been blessed with 3 sisters and they are all very dear to me!)

My dolls...
  Oh yes!  I love dolls and have a lot in my collection!
This is an antique bisque doll-one of the few real old ones that I have. I mostly have more recent artist collector dolls.

Last-I must include 'Dogs!'

Our dogs have always been a
definite factor in our lives! We've had many- in fact- have never been without a dog in our family!

This is the only little girl we have  left and she's getting old.  She is over 12 years old now.

My dog-Peaches-Feb., 2008

What 'D' things  dominate  your days?



  1. what a lovely post!

    your 'Dan' is a cutie and all your other D's are too.

    your dog doesn't look 12 :)

  2. Thanks Dianne!

    :) yah-BOTH my Dan's are cuties!!

    I always teased my daughter that she named our Dan after Dan Fogelberg, but she's always claimed that wasn't the case! :) ( she was always a big fan of DF, as I was!)

    Thanks for coming over to visit!


  3. Interesting post, Junie.

  4. Oh Junie, this was a D-lightful list!! I'm so glad you're participating this time around.

    The first picture of you is such a beautiful one. And Dan Fogelberg? Well, you know that's my favorite song of his.

  5. MG,

    Thanks! I'm having fun with the alphabet!

    Oh yes...I know you are a Dan Fogelberg fan too-and Longer is a very beautiful song!

  6. Margie,

    Thanks for coming by again.


  7. A wonderful list for the "D" letter! I love the bond that you and Dan have, it's so very precious. I remember the posts you did showing your collection of dolls, all so delightful. If I ever decide to get rid of the two porcelain dolls I have, I'm going to send them to you because I know they'd find a good home with you:-) xoxo
