Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our Military

I received this in an E-mail today and wanted to post it for anyone who is interested in the opinions of our military!

(the email)

In case you missed this week's issue of the Army Times

here are the results of the Army Times' poll of Military

personnel re: the election (in percent)

McCain ~ Obama

Overall~ 68 - 23

Army~ 68 - 23

Navy ~ 69- 24

Air Force~ 67 - 24

Marines~ 75 - 18

Retirees ~ 72- 20

Non-Hispanic~ 76 - 17

Hispanic~ 63- 27

African- American~ 12 - 79

Enlisted~ 67 - 24

Officers ~ 70 - 22

Somehow I missed seeing this on the TV news media.




  1. It looks like McCain may have the military vote, doesn't it?

  2. Margie,

    well, yes it looks like that...
    NOT that it matters in the big picture, apparently.

  3. Junie, I tried to comment here earlier but Blogger was out of service.

    I don't believe any of this. The actual military and families I see and talk to don't like this war and want it to stop. They (and I agree) don't get why it has to go on and on, why so many "good folk" are war hungry to keep this going on, and what the difference is between the Republicans always screaming about abortion & pretentious religious beliefs that die down as soon as they take office.

    And what is the difference between abortion and a war mongering idiot like Bush or McCain ordering a bomb to be dropped on a city where it kills innocent unborn children and children already born? No one answers those questions- they can't use the bible to answer them either because it's just too confusing to use religion as a crutch where and when for ones own purpose to justify ones own misinformed design. If you can explain this to me, I'm certainly willing to listen. God knows everyone who has put this stuff up and then I have asked them questions either cannot or has refused to discuss or ordered me off their blog. Speaks volumes to me of their actual knowledge.

    I would also ask you, since you are so up for the idea to drill the heck out of the US right away, are you willing to write your state senator, write to McCain and Palin, and offer them your beautiful home and property to destroy for some oil to save our country? Most people are willing to shout about it, but when it comes down to giving up their own grounds to the oil companies to destroy what they've worked for , payed for, payed taxes for, etc., they won't. So where do you propose this drilling take place? Don't look at WV. We mine coal here and our state has already been trashed and peoples land and mountain tops destroyed by the reapers of same. We don't have oil here anyway. But if you're willing, I do hope if they come to Florida, you'll humbly step aside and let them ravage your land for that "quick fix" Palin/McCain plan.

    But I'm bettin' if Palin herself asked you to give your property rights over to the oil company, you won't! But maybe if enough money was offered... but even then, if you encourage our kids to risk their lives at war for their country, giving up a few acres of your homeland for free could be your and Charles' contribution to the cause. But would you do it?

    Junie, you know I really like you but I'm just saying please think about this stuff more seriously and don't fall for a "song."

  4. Well Carolyn, it's certainly your choice to believe anything you choose - just as I also have that choice!

    AND- isn't it wonderful that we have these freedoms!! :) I think it is! I hope we can keep them!

    I also know many military people and, in fact, have people in my own family, who chose to serve and feel it was the right thing to do... Don't be so blind as to think all things are a simple black or white - yes or no! I'm sure, as with all things, there are more than one answer or opinion about our military involvement.

    I had no reason to doubt this poll- however-I didn't INVENT it- I just posted it! If you want to dis-prove it- then do that. I labeled it merely as a poll that I had received in an email!

    I didn't do it to set anyone off ...and I'm really surprised that it's YOU who has come after me! (And for what, Carolyn.....daring to have a differing view from yours??)

    In all due respect, Carolyn, I feel capable of looking through all the information out there...sifting through the facts and the fictions too...and deciding which candidate best fits the way I view the world.

    NO, Carolyn, I did not sell out for the 'Drill Now' song!


  5. Our family has three young men serving in the military at the moment and they are in support of John McCain.

    It's a real shame that their votes may not be counted again this year because of some computer glitches in the computer program. Hopefully they'll get it fixed before election day. If anyone deserves to vote it's those proud young men & women who have volunteered their service to this country & are fighting so that Iraqi people will have the freedoms that we enjoy here in the U.S. I'm proud of them all! and they deserve our support.

    It would be wonderful if we could all join hands together and sing kum ba ya together and bring our troops home in victory from Iraq right now, but their job is not done yet. Barak Obama is also going to move more troops into Afghanistan & Pakistan if he's elected and I don't think we can get the terrorists over there to join in our "kum ba ya moment."

    Drill Here, Drill Now is only part of the package. We have to take advantage of ALL of the resources & power we can harness safely here within our U.S. borders. It's a real shame that we send so much money to other countries when we can be spending it all right here at home and also creating more jobs at the same time. And yes, I'm willing to let a power, or oil company use my land. One of those Boone Pickens giant wind mills would look mighty nice sitting in my back yard and wouldn't bother me...I hear they are 300 feet tall and they might even pay me a little extra money to let them use my land.

    All of us have different opinions on how to run our country and who should be running it, but one thing we can all agree on is that we each have the freedom to express our own opinions and still get along.

    And my opinion is that I like John McCain and Sarah Palin has energized the ticket. Go Sarah!

  6. I agree with you l00% Junie, and not just because I like you a lot. They can drill in my backyard anytime; bring it on.

  7. I thought the e-mail was interesting. and I loved your daughter's comment!

  8. Sounds like the election is hottin' up over there!!!!!

  9. Peter,

    For sure!!

    I don't ever remember such a worrisome time in any election!

  10. Sandy



    Thank you all for your comments!

  11. Tammy,

    You don't need to be concerned about yer ole Mom......She be like a duck! :)

    Love you all-and am sooo glad we're all on the same page in this! ( as a family!)

    Whatever comes, we'll be ok!


  12. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Hi Ginga,
    I don't think any of us have to worry about being asked to give up our land for OFFSHORE drilling. While it may be true that past coal mining, we now have technology that allows us to drill without doing damage to the environment.
    As for comparing abortion to our troops fighting for ours and others freedom. What? What? Has Carolyn heard how they do a late term abortion? It is more like an execution. A painful execution. And if the baby survives, they just toss it in the corner to die. BELIEVE IT CAROLYN!
    If Carolyn truly is willing to listen, she needs to listen to the latest video of the Messiah from 1995. He is truly a racist. And I didn't say that. It comes straight from the mouth of THE ONE,


  13. Hi Terry,

    Thanks for your comments.

    From what I see, people are able to close their minds and eyes to unpleasant truths. (such as abortion)
    As long as it's put away in that box, they don't have to consider or examine what it really is!

    Defending our freedom and the freedom of others in wars has no correlation whatsoever to destroying our own babies.(Yes,and in such a horrible way, as you say!)

    People throw out the 'Christian Right' tag as if it's an insult!
    I don't consider it an insult at all! I'm thankful to know there is a higher power than us flawed human beings who have made such a muddled mess of this beautiful life we have been given!

    Love you all,


  14. Hi Terry,

    Thanks for your comments.

    From what I see, people are able to close their minds and eyes to unpleasant truths. (such as abortion)
    As long as it's put away in that box, they don't have to consider or examine what it really is!

    Defending our freedom and the freedom of others in wars has no correlation whatsoever to destroying our own babies.(Yes,and in such a horrible way, as you say!)

    People throw out the 'Christian Right' tag as if it's an insult!
    I don't consider it an insult at all! I'm thankful to know there is a higher power than us...
    the flawed human beings we are who have made such a muddled mess of this beautiful life we have been given!

    Love you all,


  15. Hi Junie!...hummmmm....I still remember "their" promise to "take over our country without Ever firing a shot".....Hang in there sweetie!! I'm with 'ya!!hughugs

  16. Thanks, Donna.



  17. Hola....saludos desde Venezuela

  18. As Americans, we have the freedom to choose our leaders by using the power of the voting ballot.
    One thing that hinders our ability to make informed decisions is when information about candidates is withheld, covered up, or unfairly portrayed by our sources of media.
    As a voter, I want to know it ALL, then make an informed decision.
    I feel that I have not been given enough information about Obama to even consider voting for him, and this bothers me. I want to know what he did as a community organizer and what he said and taught to those he was leading and organizing. I want to read papers he wrote while attending law school and hear speeches he gave as an Illinois senator and talks he gave prior to that to any groups in any setting. This would give me a whole picture of who he is and what he has done over the years.
    I know a great deal about John McCain. His life is an open book and his voting record is long. I know who John McCain is, and I do not agree with him all the time. Nor did I agree with Bush on everything. I was angry with Bush and McCain on their plan to handle illegal immigration, and I strongly strongly strongly disagree with them on this bail out legislation. It was a mistake for McCain to vote for that. I wish he was more conservative, but I know what kind of man he is because I can look back at his history and see it clearly.
    I will be voting for McCain on Nov. 4th, and I encourage everyone to be fully informed, then follow your gut when you cast your vote.
    Each voter has the right to vote for whomever they choose. No one should be belittled or mocked for making their own choice.
    Vote proudly! Just make sure you VOTE!!!

    I fully support our brave men and women who are serving in the military. If anyone is deserving of the right to vote, it is our military. Whether they vote for McCain or Obama, we should bend over backwards to see that every one of their votes is counted.

  19. Thanks, Jamie Dawn, for such a well thought out response.

    I appreciate your post and, it just happens, I agree with everything you said!

    Whatever is to be, we don't have long to wait now!

