Sunday, October 05, 2008

Our day: Mixed moods...

I guess most of our days are a mix of many emotions.

This one for us was a mix of happy and sad...

It was sad - in remembering Mom with some fall flowers. I always feel a deep and renewed loss of my mom as the fall and winter holiday season draws near. We lost her in the winter season -6 years ago in January. We took her flowers out today!

Charles liked seeing this guy riding an old Harley Davidson, with not a speck of chrome to be seen but a goodly amount of grime and some rust!

We followed him all the way into town. I was not able to get a shot of this rider except from behind.

He was going at a good clip as we followed behind him. With his jacket blowing in the breeze-and his hair, too...( being unencumbered by a helmet ) he was, plainly, enjoying the ride! He was the picture of a free spirit-which can be an uplifting sight!

It made Charles and me, both, wish we were riding! I hope we can soon go for a long 'Victory Ride!'

Later in the day, after our return home, the girls came up for a nice visit. (That's the HAPPY part of the day.) All we we did was chit-chat and have some BBQ sandwiches and cokes...oh-and make some pictures, of course, ;) but it was a good visit!

Here we all are!

The first photo is...'2 Kids and a Lamb!' ;)

June & Charles

Daughter - Tina

Granddaughter - Allison




  1. Your granddaughter is just beautiful. I still miss my mom and she has been gone for many years.

  2. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Thanks Judy,

    We think Alli is beautiful and she's also very smart and the sweetest girl we know!

    She's all grown up-and she's our YOUNGEST grandchild!!


  3. Is that Lambchop I see there??!!


    I'm glad the sadness of your day was balanced with some happy times with your family.
    The flowers on your mom's grave are very pretty.
    I like the shot of you there by her graveside.
    I'm sure remembering her brings you feelings of sadness and happiness at the same time.

    I enjoyed all the photos!

  4. Such beautiful flowers you brought for your mom's grave. I know how much you're missing your mom...every time I visit my dad's grave, it makes me miss him even more as well!

    Is it legal to ride a motorcycle without a helmet over there? That rider would have been stopped right away over here. What a wonderful feeling it must be to ride like that though:-)

    Loved all the pictures...I have a Lambchop too! hehe xoxo

  5. Love the pictures of all of you Junie...even Lambchop. Those flowers for your mom are beautiful.

  6. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Thanks for all your visits! :)

    Yes...can you believe we had never had a Lamb Chop in the family until recently??

    I saw this one at a recent Yard Sale..for just twenty five cents! lol!! He's brand new condition! I think he's cute as heck!!!

