Monday, October 20, 2008

To The Morning~ Dan Fogelberg & Sunrise

~ To The Morning ~

 This morning I was up earlier than my usual time and when I went out to my front porch I realized I  was just in time for this beautiful sunrise!

I went back inside for my camera and as I started taking my pictures I noticed that my scarecrow  seemed to have shifted his stance - as if for a better view of the glorious sunrise!   :)   Who could blame him!! 

 The sunrise brought this beautiful song, by the wonderful Dan Fogelberg, to my mind!

To The Morning~ Dan Fogelberg

This is from DF's first album ~ "Home Free"~ 1972

This Youtube is brought to you by beggarsgame

 ( I will always feel a profound sadness for the loss of this so very talented artist!  1951~2007 )

Junie ~#1 DanFan


  1. WOW Junie! What a Great shot!! Happy day sweetie!hughugs

  2. Thanks Donna! Yes- I got lucky with catching that sunrise just right! :)

    Hope you're having a good day!



  3. What a great song. I can remember going to one of his concerts. He really put on a great show.

  4. Hi Fred,

    Oh!! Dan's music was a BIG thing in my life for over 30 years! I/we went to about a dozen concerts over the years...the last being in Atlanta- his last tour before he became ill!

    None better than Dan Fogelberg-IMO!

    Thanks for coming over.


  5. Lovely sunrise, and a great song by Dan! He was such a good singer.

  6. That's a prizewinning shot of a prizewinning sunrise!

  7. That sunrise photo is stunning! Frameworthy, for sure.

  8. Junie that is such a pretty picture!! I love your decorations.

  9. That's a fie pic; top o the marnin to ya.
