Friday, November 14, 2008

Alli's adventure continues~

After the phone call from the Ocala Banner guy we were all feeling quite excited and upbeat! I had been amazed at how Allison had handled that ‘out of the blue’ interview! I shouldn’t have been, though, because I have known all of her life what a self assured and capable girl she is!
(If you think that’s just a granny talking, you’d be wrong! :) ...ask anyone! )

Her mom, (Tina) is just like Alli (or maybe Alli is like Tina) in being able to handle things and arrange things. I always feel safe in their company!

~~~ Lol - A darn good thing, too, as I sure need someone capable in charge when I’m doing things - like traveling , especially! ~~~

I had not flown in more than 20 years...and- even though I am not afraid of the actual flying, ( I just figure it’s in God’s hands) I AM very much intimidated by the whole process at the airport! I figure GOD can take care of the part of my safety in flying...but I have to deal with the anxiety of getting on that plane, myself! :)

Well, I decided I would never be able to do this on my own...the whole airport thing...but maybe I’ll never have to! I would be like a little lost puppy, wandering around there, alone!

This time, God DID give to me my 2 very capable girls to help me through it all! We did fine!

It was a good flight and tho, it was soon dark and nothing to see out the little window, it was exciting to be flying!

After we landed in Dallas we had only a short wait before our car and 2 representatives of the website arrived to pick us up and transport us to the hotel!

Here are Alli and me, waiting for our ride!

Alli-looking cool and fresh and 'Ginga,' looking a little ragged around the edges!

LOL-Funny how that works, isn't it!!

These 2 young people (our drivers) , Danielle and Ray, were flown in from LA. They were very nice, friendly and helpful.

Here is a picture of Danielle and Ray with Tom Higgenson, lead singer of the band, at the Venue later the next day.

Charles has told me that I need to give you this story in small parts no one overdoses on too much excitement at once!

LOL! He's just jealous...can't you tell? ;)


(Ginga )


  1. Sounds like a good time was had by all. I went back and read the article. How exciting. I was boarding a plane one time and got lost from Bob. An attendant asked me if something was wrong. He said I had the look of a deer in the headlights! lol.

  2. Both airports and airplanes are royal pains.It's not so much the flying but being shoe-horned in.

  3. I love this story, and so glad you were able to go! A friend of mine recently invited me to Arkansas to visit, and like you I haven't flown in a long time. Maybe I will, and maybe I won't. hahaha

  4. I've just finished catching up with you and can hardly wait to read the rest of the story. It sounds like you had so much fun.
    Alli is probably still on cloud nine!

  5. Thanks, ALL, for your comments!

    Will continue with the rest of the story tomorrow. :)


  6. So glad everything went well Junie. You're like me...I hate the hassle of the airport more than anything. Hugs, Joy
