Thursday, November 20, 2008

In My Life... I love you more

For some reason today I have had this CD - and especially this song -on my mind!

I simply love this CD, which was a most treasured gift I received one recent Christmas!

I have been looking at some of the Youtubes that I found online!

I hope you enjoy this version of the beautiful Beatles song ~ this version, performed by Sean Connery.

This whole album is superb! It would be a perfect Christmas gift for someone you love!


Sir George Martin -Friends And Lovers - In My Life


In MY life today...

Charles had the surgery at about 9:30 AM. It took about 1-1/2 hours to do it! He's in some pain but has ice packs on both eyes, frequently, to ease the pain and help minimise the swelling. It looks like he may have black eyes, too! Right away, tho, he said he was seeing better- with his lids lifted! :) I hope it helps a lot!

Our appointment seemed early to me - considering that I got only about 5 hrs. of sleep - but we made it ok. Charles was unable to drive himself home so I had to be alert and ready to drive us home.

Since we've been home I haven't done much. I have to be on hand to help him apply the ice packs every few minutes. I hope by tomorrow he will be feeling much better!

I DID go outside for a little while, as i wanted to check on things! The oranges were not damaged. We had a heavy frost but the temps didn't dip as low as predicted!

OH! And I got some neat butterfly pics! I have one of these for my desktop. Feel free to use it for yours- if you like it!

:) ... and here is my frost covered car ~ and some of our beautiful Honey Bells!

Life is grand! Enjoy every minute of it!




  1. Hope he's feeling better Soon!!! I Love the butterfly and oranges!!! Great photos!!hughugs

  2. Hi Junie,
    I have spent the last little while here catching up.
    I hope Charles is much better today. Continued prayers for him.
    Those oranges look delicious. Fresh oranges - what a treat! And, the butterfly is beautiful!

    I've spent a little while here because I wanted to check out Alli's happenings. I thought you noted the actual video of that night was here somewhere but I haven't found it. I watched the practice one and then I went to the Milk Rocks site and watched her winning video again and then the runner up ones. I have to say your Alli was the BEST. It is no wonder she won. The others didn't even attempt anything artistic as far as their videos and I shouldn't say this, but they COULDN'T sing. :)
    My hats off to her. I think she has a wonderful talent in front of and behind the camera. Please give her my best wishes.Congrats Gringa for having such a lovely Granddaughter!

  3. Carletta,

    Thanks for all the very nice things you have said about Alli! :) Well, I think she did excellent with this project!

    The video of the actual performance is here_

    It IS hard to keep up because I post a lot- especially these Alli posts!

    Charles is feeling better tonight. I expect him to be fine in a couple days!


  4. Thanks, Donna,

    Those oranges are the best ever! Tomorrow I'm going to pick some for some juice!

    Chas. is feeling better tonight-thanks!


  5. Gday Junie, Firstly by best wishes to Charles on avery speedy recovery from his Op.
    and as I read your title, I love you more . I immediately thought of my son as when he rings me and its time to end . I say i love you son. he always says straight back I love you More..

  6. Hi Jeanette,

    Good to hear from you.

    It's wonderful that with a word or phrase (blog title) we are able to invoke good memories and feelings in others so far away! I'm happy my post did that for you. :)

    Thanks so much for your good wishes for Charles. I think he's doing as well as could be expected- but it will be a few days before he's back to normal.

    Have a good day>


  7. Glad all went well with the surgery. Love your butterflies and honeybells! We've got snow here today (not sticking, though), so can relate to your frosty car picture!

    Hope Charles has a speedy recovery, with not too much swelling.

  8. Hope Charles is feeling better and love the pictures. We had snow here last night. Just a dusting on the ground but the first one of the season.

  9. I'm glad Charles' surgery went well, and that he is starting to heal. Those eyes sure do look mighty swollen in that photo you showed!! Painful too, also!

    I hope your feeling of depression has lifted and that you've been able to get rested.

    Fresh juice sounds super yummy!!
    We used to grow mandarins when we lived in CA.
    We had 43 acres, and we called our place Rancho Flamingo. We lived there, and so did my parents.
    They lived just up the hill from us, so our kids grew up very close to them. We are still very close, even though we live far away.

    I share your worries about the economy and the future of our country. In a year or so, we will have a better idea of where we are headed as a nation.
    Let's hope and pray for the best.
    If Obama does not live up to his promises, in two years there will be others on the national stage singing songs of "Change!"
