Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another skin surgery...

The skin surgery went well for Charles today and we're hopeful there will not be any more to deal with for awhile! These skin cancers are not unusual, especially in the south and with people who have spent a lot of time in the sun.

All we can do is take whatever comes along and make the best of it and face it to the best of our abilities!
(Brave words which I am not always able to live up to but I try hard.)

Marc (SIL) was here when we were leaving for the appointment so I asked him to get a pic of us!

Not a good one but it's us!
lol ~ What you see is what you get!

Here we are on the way home!

SO~ here it is dinner time and I gotta come up with a plan!

More later!

Junie Rose


  1. OUCH, poor Charles. I too hope that's the last time he has to go through that. Great picture of the two of you lovely peoples. :)

  2. Love the pic of you two!! Poor Hubby's Head!! Come on now...admit it! You whupped up on him but Good!!!Hahaaa...Ya'll rest easy!!hughugs

  3. Anonymous7:04 PM

    My thoughts are with you two. Hope Charles will be good as new shortly. As for your picture it is beautiful because it shows the love you have for one another.

  4. Poor Charles, he really has been going through a lot lately and I know how hard it is on you as well, with the worrying you do about him. My prayers are with him that everything heals completely!! Love that picture of the two of you, dear Junie:-) xoxo

  5. Best of luck, Charles. I've been there and know how you feel.

  6. Very glad to hear all went well today. I've been thinking of you both.

  7. Charles is a trooper! I'm sure he hates having these skin cancers removed. My dad has had a few removed also, too, and it is a hassle to deal with.
    Take care of your man. I'm sure he appreciates you very much.

  8. Glad it went well; hope today does too.

  9. Hi All,

    I want to thank you all for your caring comments about Charles' surgery. He's making it ok- Has to go back in a week to have the stitches removed.

    LOL- No, Donna, I didn't beat him up! haha
