Sunday, December 14, 2008

Flowers for Mom

I've been thinking of Mom a lot these past few days. Yesterday Charles and I took new holiday flowers out for her and spent a few moments in remembrance of her. It will soon be 6 years since she left us all. Doesn't seem possible that so much time has passed! I still miss her and think of her every day.

This picture is of Mom at age 74 ~
Christmas Eve, our house in Miami, Fl.
(I think, about 25 years ago-1983)


I decided to have Charles put up the old Christmas banner. I wanted to get a new one but haven't been able to find once again the little Reindeer will fly for us! (faded as he is)
The rest of my decorating will have to wait for another year!

Maybe next Christmas season will not be as stressful as this one has been.

~I am thankful for one more Christmas with my family!
I expect there are a lot of changes in store
for us in the new year!~

I DID manage to get our cards ready to go... :) Amazing!

I got some gift shopping done today and have a couple more outings before I'm finished!
Slowly I am able to mark things off my list! Tomorrow, hopefully, I will go out again to shop for my boys. I did my daughters and granddaughter today.

Later tonight I will do some baking of goodies...well-it's my plan to do that!


Tuesday Charles is scheduled for the skin cancer surgery again. This is the spot that was found on the opposite side of his face from the last one. We're hopeful they will both prove to be successful. Anyway, that will be our Tuesday this week!



  1. I came back for for the music and found a new post!

    Thanks for posting a picture of your mom. We also lived in Miami in 1983 - we were in Miami Lakes at the time.

    Good luck to Charles with his surgery. It's been awhile since I've had one, but please pass along my thoughts for a successful outcome.

  2. Dear June ~~ I pray that Charles has a good recovery and there are no more for a long, long time. I still miss my Mother and think of her often and it has been 31 years.
    I have left a Butterfly award for you on my blog..I will be thinking of both you and Charles tomorrow.
    Take care, Love, Merle.

  3. Thanks Fred, for your good wishes for Charles.

    I'm so happy you are enjoying my music choices!

    About living in Miami- we always lived in south Dade Co. (Cutler Ridge)
    but my husband knew ALL of Miami because he was with the Sheriff's Dept for many years!

    Take care and have a wonderful Christmas with your family!


  4. Hi Merle,

    Thanks so much for your good wishes and prayers for us. We'll be fine!

    Thanks for the award too. I will check it out at your place later today.

    Your friend,

  5. I hope you find some non-stressful time to relax and enjoy. Best of luck with the surgery.

  6. Hoping Charles has a successful surgery!

    I'm doing the same as you - remembering Christmas' past. We'll make it, Junie, we will!!

  7. Hope all will go well tomorrow, Junie! I'll be thinking of you and Charles.

  8. Thanks, all of you, for your encouraging words for Charles.

    I appreciate it very much.

