Friday, February 27, 2009

A day in a life ~Yesterday


Another day in our life...and I'd say, it was a, mostly, good day!

The weather is fine right now, and spring is definitely on the way if not quite here just yet! :) It's hard to tell with our Florida climate just when winter ends and spring begins. We have such a short time period of COLD... but - unfortunately this time - just enough to ZAP my oranges!
Such is life!!

~Some MORE pics to show how SPRINGY it looks around our place right now ~ even my beloved wildflowers are starting to pop up along the edge of the meadow!~

Our first blooms of late winter/early spring are the Red bud trees and the wild Plum tree...and they will be over in another few days! :( They make such a pretty display, all around town and the countryside here. There's lots of them-as well as the white Dogwood trees.

There are some Dogwood trees in bloom - but not mine. Ours is not in a good location- next to the giant Live Oak tree; too much shade, I think! But I will have a few blooms at least!

LOL-OK- enough gushing about my flowers!!


Marc, my son-in-law, got home yesterday. (for a few days!)

He did some upgrades on my computer for me. He also helped me set up some different chat systems, as I was having some trouble with Aim-AOL. I still have AIM- but now I have 'I-Chat'-and also 'Adium'...or AOL-AIM...whichever I choose! lol- that'll keep me yapping for awhile!

I'll give them a try...but you all know I HATE changes...I was comfortable using AOL-Aim ( because I knew exactly what I was doing) until just recently when I started having a lot of crashes during chats! Could it be with the new upgrades all that trouble will be gone, anyway?? LOL- I hope so...because it's easier for me than these new ones! We'll see how it least now I have alternatives for my chats, if needed.

We all had a really good meal together last night - Tina, Marc and Alli- Chris, Charles and me! This is what we had- Broiled Tilapia-(lemon-pepper & rosemary seasoned) and a great salad and steamed veggies- some delicious wheat rolls! Yummy!

Here is the food!

My husband and son, about to partake... :)

The others of us escaped the photos this time! haha

( Do I hear a sigh of relief out there?? ;) )

Love and hugs ,

Junie Rose


  1. The flowers are pretty but the salad and rolls are wonderful looking and they are EDIBLE! lol

  2. Lovely flowers; there ain't nothin' blooming here except the camellias (finally). :)

    What a spread of food - YUM!!!

    I don't know how to use the 'chat' stuff, but that's okay~my brain is on overload lately. :)

  3. Yep, it's funny how just a couple hundred miles or so makes such a difference in the blooming of our flowers.

    I enjoy the online chats a lot with a few friends.

    Take care-and enjoy the weekend with your girls! :)


  4. Hi Dot,

    The FISH was what I enjoyed most! :)


  5. Feel free to keep the spring-like pictures coming if you're so inclined.

  6. That is some great looking food Junie!! I love fish! Yum!

    The flowers are lovely. The tulips and daffodils are coming up here, so I know spring is just around the corner! That first picture of the wildflower is so adorable! What a pretty flower!

  7. I also love flowers and you have very beautiful pics.
    Thanks for your comment on my sky in SkywatchFr.


  8. Thanks ALL for your comments!

    I appreciate all visits- especially those with nice comments! :)


  9. All that food looks Wonderful Junie!! And I Love the new yellow header rose!!!!hughugs

  10. Oooooh, I'm soooo jealous that you have flowers in bloom!!! lol It will be May before we see any flowers around here, darn it. Loved seeing all your beautiful flowers that are blooming right now.

    Hopefully you won't have any more problems with your computer. I use to have AIM chat but it's been a couple of years since I deleted it. Only use Windows Live Messenger now and even then, I hardly ever have it on! lol

    Wish I could have been there for that meal, everything looks so yummy and I love anything prepared with lemon pepper...yummmm!!! xoxo
