Thursday, February 12, 2009

One more day

Yesterday was the last day of my sister's visit. They spent the last 2 days and nights with us. My sister and her husband here in Ocala were also up for most of the day yesterday. We all had a good day of visiting and had a good dinner together.

It was a beautiful day here and the 3 of us 'girls' went for a walk- ending up down by our pasture where we have the cows! The cows were not up close but I got a picture anyway! You can see how brown and ugly the pasture looks since the recent freeze. I'm sure those cows are ready for spring - just as I am! For goodness sake _ this is FLORIDA! We're supposed to be lush and green here!! :)

We also saw that neurotic horse we have - that avoids all human touch! She's a beautiful horse but totally useless to us! A BIG mistake was made in getting her and she should be sold . LOL- But who wants or needs an untouchable horse?

I got a picture of my sisters - then I tried
to get some of the 3 of us together, ( as Alli does to get pictures of herself and me together) by turning the camera facing us, at arms length, and snapping the picture. . Lol_ It didn't work so well for the 3 of us together! :)

It was a beautiful, blue sky day...and the Live Oaks always look pretty!

This is a picture of our little house
where my son now lives- on the
back 2 acres of our place.

The green roofed house is our home. This was on the road from the first part of our walk, looking through our neighbor's property. This neighbor's home is directly across the road from us and the road that we were on is next to this neighbors place.

Later we finished getting the dinner on and everything was good! I cooked roast beef with veggies- (carrots,onions,potatoes celery) , plus a big pot of field peas! And sliced, fresh , Florida grown, tomatoes!

My sister Joy brought a pumpkin cheese cake with whipped cream for dessert! Yummy!

Here we are, just being silly, after dinner and during dessert!


OK_ recently Charles and I, along with Tina and Alli, have been on a 'wt. loss' plan! I must say the others have been very dedicated and are doing well...(better than Junie Rose) Anyway, I have sort of backslid the past few days with company here....and my sis brought the dessert- so I HAD to eat some - RIGHT?

OK- Chas- being very determined and very good...and wanting to show me up, besides... (haha) resisted the dessert! I, of course, couldn't! :)

I said to Charles......

"That's ok - your LOSS is my Gain!" haha!

Junie Rose


  1. Oh, I'm so glad you had such a nice visit with your sisters, Junie!

    Your pasture looks like my yard! I don't remember it being this way for a very long time; kind of depressing really. But, it will come back (won't it?). :)

    Your place is lovely, and the food sounds YUMMY; field peas!!! I love them! Did you have fried corn bread? :)

  2. Anonymous11:31 AM

    The visit sounded delightful and the pictures are great. You can't beat siblings getting together. You talking about the dessert brought a memory back to me. On a trip around the coasts of Michigan, when Jay were first married, we stopped at a little restaurant up north on the Lake Michigan side. Jay urged me to try a type of sticky roll which was a specialty of the place. I of course said no I had to watch what I ate. Junie to this day some 30+ years later I still regret that decision. So don't feel bad about eating your dessert!

  3. Momma,

    Thanks for visiting and also for sharing that memory!

    YES...well, sharing good food is a big part of having fun :) (lol- yes-a BIG part) but I always figure you can diet later!

    In the BIG picture - how much difference can one piece of pie- or one 'sticky roll' make!



  4. Hi Sally,

    Yes, we had a good time and lots of good food while they were here... but- no corn bread with those peas! :(

    Yes -I'm sick of the brown grass! LOL- bring on SPRING!


