Saturday, February 07, 2009

Our Family Gathering (Family interest)

Our expected company came today. My sis and Brother-in-Law from NC, Another sis and her husband from Lake Placid, and my niece from Homestead, Fl. Also my sister Joy and her husband who live here in Ocala were here. My nephew came too.(Joy's son) There were my Orlando folks -Tam, Terry and Zach- and my local kids - Tina and Alli and Chris.

My 2 grandsons who live in Gainesville were not here - nor was
my SIL, Marc .

Wish they all could have been here because we had a good time visiting and had lots of good food.

My folks from NC will spend the first couple nights at my sister Joy's house - then end up their visit here with us for a couple nights, before going back home.

The others were just here for the day. It was a real pleasure having our niece here, as it has been a long time since she was up this way! Homestead is way down south Florida!

Here are a few pictures of our day!

The folks:

The sisters-L to R ~Joy, Dolores, Gloria, June

It was a good day, with lots of hugs and laughter ~ especially among the 'girls!' :)



  1. I had to go back and re-read. At first I thought you said you were having company that was expecting. Then I see it said 'expected' company.
    Glad none of the sisters are pregnant. I'll bet they are too.
    All Good looking gals. I'm happy for your nice visit.

  2. Your family gathering looks like a great time. Love all the shared photos!!

    Hope you're having a terrific weekend.

  3. hahaaha! Cliff!

    No- we're all a little past that time!

    We DID have a fun visit!



  4. Hi Anni,

    Yes- a very nice day for all of us!

    Happy Sunday to you!


  5. Looks like a wonderful gathering Junie! Three sisters! What a blessing :)
    (I always wanted a sister)

  6. Thanks, Susie,

    Yes! I am thankful for my sisters!

  7. Well it certainly looks like your all having a great get togethers are wonderful....and you have the pictures to make the memory..... judy

  8. Hi Judy,

    Yes-Family times are special!

  9. I love seeing you and your sisters all look great. Thanks. ~Joy

  10. Awww, Junie, I know how much you love having your family around you and I'm so happy that so many of you were able to get together:-)Your sister Dolores looks so much like the actress Janet Leigh, it's amazing...has anyone ever mentioned that before? Loved seeing the pictures. xoxo
