Friday, February 20, 2009

Poem: Steps TO The Rest Of My Life

Sky Watch Friday post below this one.

~Just a poem from June~


Steps to the Rest of My Life

Today I will pause
on the way to tomorrow,
and I’ll reflect
on yesterday.
I’ll examine the reasons
for my pain and my sorrow-
determine which debts
I must pay!
I’ll retrace the steps
that led me to this-
this cold place of darkness
and fear!
And I’ll slay the dragons
- if they still exist -
and the demons
that invited me here!
I’ll leave them in ashes
and never look back-
get rid of the pain and the strife!
I’ll tentatively take
my first steps to the future-
those steps to the rest of my life!

June Kellum


  1. I always enjoy reading your poems, this one is beautiful as well. The title is just perfect, isn't it! xoxo

  2. Hi Pea,

    Thanks- I'm glad you like some of my poems.

    This is not a new one as you can see by the date. (not sure if I posted it before...but maybe I did) It's a simple one but I was satisfied with it- the words came together to express what I was feeling, exactly.


  3. Hello. I found you at Rachel's and decided to come for a visit.
    I like the poem.I think we can all relate.

    Your sky watch photos are really great. I can't see the sunset from where I live. We have hills and woods in the way but sometimes I drive to the bay and see them. I'm only about five minutes from there.

  4. Anonymous7:28 AM

    You have a way with expressing your feelings that many will never attain. Thank you for the poem.

  5. What a great poem, Junie. You really have a way with words, and I appreciate your outlook on life. ((HUGS))

  6. Well done! Some days there are dragons to slay, but ya gotta keep on pluggin ahead.

  7. Hello, Mountain Mama,

    Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my poem and viewing my sunsets. That's 2 things I like to do :) sunsets and write poems!

    I have seen you around some of my favorite blogs. Surprisingly, you and I have never met before now, isn't it!

    I gave a quick visit to your blog but didn't have the time right then to do much there. I'll be back when I get caught up with stuff.



  8. Momma



    Thanks to all of you for reading my poems and for the comments!

    I will visit you soon.

