Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Eagle!

Our friends, Ted and Sandi (our builder of the patio etc) were telling us recently about the Eagles that hang out around their place. Sometimes they see as many as 4 at a time, fishing in their small lake and even coming down near their house!

Sandi gave me a few pics she had taken -after learning of our interest in these magnificent birds!

Here are a couple of her pics she gave us.

They told us they would give us a call the next time they saw any of them and maybe we could come over and see them and photograph them!! :)

Yesterday-after Ted had finished working here- we got the word that the Eagles had come for a visit again! LOL- Yes!! We went right over (just a couple miles from us) in hopes of being lucky enough to see them!

What a thrill for me...and I had never wished more that I was a better photographer and had a better camera!

Still- I'm pleased with what I DID manage to get. Just sorry I couldn't get him in flight!

When we first came he was sitting on this pole near their house, which seems to be a favorite spot; the same pole as is in the pictures Sandi gave us. I tried to get closer but he flew up into the tall trees near the small lake.

Ted caught a fish and threw it up to encourage the bird to fly down! It worked! The Eagle flew within a few yards of us! :) But he was too fast for me to capture his flight!

Since we've lived here we have seen Eagles only a few times, and never this close up!
What a wonderful experience for me!



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Great pictures that both
    you and Sandy got. It is not hard to figure out why the Eagle is our National bird. It is so proud and majestic!
