Monday, March 30, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday~ Mar 30, 2009

(Please check out the beautiful song in post below this one.)

It's Mellow Yellow Monday again!

*Click here for more yellow posts!*


Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall...... etc-etc-

A couple mornings ago my husband offered to cook us some 'scrambled eggs' for breakfast!

He dropped the container holding all of our eggs - resulting in THIS! :)

Dear-I like scrambled eggs, but this is ridiculous! haha

NOW I know why it's not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket!! ;)

That man cracks me up sometimes!

But Charlie and I are 'birds of a feather!' ;)

*We have been 'flocking together' for almost 48 years now!*



  1. Very punny, Junie. You crack me up too. It's good to start the day with a good yoke.

  2. AC,

    'Eggs-actly' as I intended! :)

    Have to keep life on the 'sunny side'
    when possible! ;)


  3. You've been flocking together?? Don't make me blush.

    Well, he DID scramble those eggs!
    That is a terrific pic of you two!!

  4. LOL! JD!!!!

    LOL-YAH-he scrambled them good!!

    That pic is not recent!


  5. Cute post and a really nice picture of ya'll. Funny comments too!

  6. I always love to see new pictures of you and Charles:-) Oh dear, he really did mean scrambled eggs, didn't he! lol Have you found an easy way to pick up broken eggs from a floor? I had read somewhere of what to put on it to make it easier but for the life of me I can't remember what it was!!!! xoxo
