Saturday, March 14, 2009

Moving right along...


the Wisteria is blooming!!

The patio is coming along just fine- and as always- we are pleased with our friend Ted's expert workmanship!

Ted got his brother to help him with the trusses! The roof will go on next week!

Yesterday I had a very good outing with my daughter Tina and also my sister. The 3 of us went to the park to walk! LOL- have to admit I wasn't able to do the whole distance. My sis and I took some short cuts but it gave us a chance for some chit-chat which was very nice.

I have been trying to talk my sister into getting into blogging or Facebook- but so far she hasn't taken the plunge! ;) Wish she would because it's a lot of fun!! Oh well! ;(

After our walk and lunch we dropped My sis off at her house then Tina and I did a bit of shopping...or she shopped and I looked!

It was a beautiful spring day- Just Perfect! We enjoyed it!

Last night the girls and my son were here for awhile. Made some pics because Chris wanted to show his haircut to his girl friend! :) lol- I like that dark one-I had failed to put the flash on- but I had fun playing around with that one!



  1. Oh, the wisteria is so pretty!! Hey! Your patio is really coming along nicely! Y'all are going to really enjoy it.

    Love the pictures; your family is so close, that's wonderful! Glad you had time with your Sis also. Keep at her, Junie Rose, maybe you can talk her into the FB or blogging one day! No one in my family knows about my blog or FB, not that I'm on it all that much. hahahaha

  2. Hi Junie,
    The patio cover is really coming along quickly!
    Love that Wisteria. They aren't in bloom here yet that I've seen.
    Most of my family has avoided facebook so far. Some have been on and quit. For me, it's a lot to do both blogging and FB.. I don't do a real good job at either!!

  3. I love wisteria but it gets so large here. Are you going to let your wisteria grow on your new patio?

    I had a beautiful wisteria at our cabin then when my son moved into that place they cut it down. The wisteria had taken over another tree that shaded his vegetable garden spot, but the scent & beautiful flowers of the wisteria were breath-taking. It was so beautiful...did I say that already?

    I always enjoy seeing your pictures.

  4. Thanks, ladies!

    Yep- it's a big thing trying to keep up with both FB and a blog, but I enjoy it! ;)

    I love the wisteria...but this one is at the rental house where my son now lives! He would prefer to have it out of there but I hope I can insist on it staying put! We do have some growing by the swing patio (a small patio where we have the BBQ grill- but won't have it growing near the bigger patio!

    I just HAVE to keep some of it because it's one of my favorite flowers here!

