Sunday, March 15, 2009

We had fun! YES!! (Family stuff)

Happy Birthday Dan!

It was a great day with the family today~ all the ones who were able to be here, that is!
Zach drove up from Orlando, but his mom (my daughter and S-I-L, Tam & Terry) couldn't come.

Marc is not home now, either and my son Chris had work obligations and was only here for a little while!

OK- that only leaves 7 of us~ birthday boy, Dan and his bro Brian, Tina and Alli , Zach, Charles and me~but everyone enjoyed the day!

We didn't have a birthday cake - instead had these fresh strawberries on little cakes with whipped cream! Tina also made some cookies!

Very Yummy!

Here are some pics of our day today! By now you all know who's who in this family. ;)

Happy Day!


(Junie Rose)


  1. Looks like a fun day! How old was Dan this year?

  2. Hi Susie,

    Oh! He's long grown up! He's 26 and Bri will be 24 next month-Zach will be 22 in July!

    Lol-only Alli is still in her teens!
    She was 18 in Dec! ( My! This makes me feel OLD! :) )


  3. Awwww, I'm so glad you guys had a wonderful day! The birthday boy looks very happy!

    YUM~~strawberries & cream. Okay, I'm going to the store now. :)
