Thursday, April 16, 2009

On Our Way Home ~ (our trip and Beatles music)

K- to continue our trip home on this past Monday...


But first...

Dang it all - I didn't make the front page of Ocala Star Banner - in spite of my best efforts with the tea bags! ;)

Oh, well! It was a good Tea Party and well worth our time and effort! These protests have been a huge success all over the country!


On Monday we awoke to a rainy, gloomy, day for our long ride home. It rained at least half the way but we finally ran out of it. We had a good time, tho, and after awhile were able to have a couple of fun stops along the way.
Several years ago we were on a trip back from Alabama. This was one of the times our grand kids-and daughter went with us.

We stopped at this park somewhere near Perry and the kids had a lot of fun climbing on this BLUE ROCK!

LOL- Someone thought they would be improving on nature by painting this huge rock a bright blue! Well... OK- It's a novelty, I have to admit! It enticed us to stop again...or was it the memories of our little 'grands'
having so much fun there?? Maybe a combination of the two things is what did it! we are!

~Junie & Charlie and the Big Blue Rock~


We can't pass over the Suwanee River without stopping for awhile and this time was no exception.

It's so beautiful and peaceful by the banks of that old river.

This is a maintained park area where we are able to walk out on a floating dock and take a look up and down the river!

Charles made the corny crack as we walked out on the floating and swaying dock..."Don't worry if your head swims..if you fall in then you won't drown!" :) haha! Very Funny!!

...We made it home to our little corner- before night fall...It's always good to get back home!



  1. I just love Charles' sense of humour! LOL That blue rock is so much fun, it's no wonder you wanted to stop and see it again...after all, it's not everyday you get to pose with a blue rock!! hehe My brother Claude used to live in a place called White Rock and there was actually a white rock on the beach. It was huge and someone had painted it white so it became somewhat of a "mascot" for the town. One year someone painted it orange at Halloween time! lol I must find the pictures of me and my mom posing in front of it!!

    So glad you had such a fun time and that you got home safe and sound:-) xoxo

  2. Ha, ha, ha!

    That's a BIG blue rock indeed!!!

    I love the look of Florida. It's waterways and vegetation are like Savannah's which is love, love, love!!
