Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More of our adventures...

The trip over from home was a lot of lighthearted fun and banter for Charles and me. We don't get away nearly as often as we should...even for a day or two! (Always some project or another going on at our place!)

:) Charles always indulges me with my whims in photo taking... I do him with his passion for stopping to look at junk along the way...or pick up things... in the road! He's found some great tools that way and once found a heavy gold bracelet!

Oh! And what's this up ahead? ...... Something we BOTH wanted to stop and get a better look at...this pasture of cows/bulls with these gigantic horns!!

Charles mentioned that he thought they were called 'Watusi Longhorns.' I had no idea...had never seen any of them before...but I find in my searches that he was right! Read about them here!

I decided on this trip to 'live dangerously,' and, so, totally disregarded that warning sign posted!

I'm sure I was within '9 Feet' of that fence in getting my pictures! ;)

I sure hope my husband doesn't decide he's just got to have some of these scary things! I can just imagine these beasts getting out and roaming the has happened in the past with our cows!
(surely not, C.! )


After our arrival at the motel we were talking of what we'd like to do and see while there. We knew we wouldn't do everything this time...but I asked C. if we would go to the 'Fountain of Youth!'

He said, "No...If you drink too much of that water I will be accused of having a young girl in this motel with me!"

Ha! Says Junie Rose," Honey, you're in danger of that already!" ;)

Yep- we be silly old folks! :)

More later!




  1. You have some great shots! Those very longhorns are scary looking!

  2. My goodness, they are long.

  3. Hi AC,

    Yep! BIG horns on those cows!

    Thanks for coming by!


  4. Those longhorns are mighty horny!!


    Happy Weekend, Junie!!

  5. hahahah!
    Yes! Very horny!

    Happy weekend to you, Jamie!


  6. Betty

    Thanks for your visit.

    I will check your blog out too!


  7. That's what I love about traveling with Steve as well, he doesn't mind stopping anywhere I want to take pictures:-) I've never had a man so patient with me! lol Those Watusi Longhorns are quite magnificent...oh my goodness, Junie, you DO live dangerously! hehe

    I'm still giggling at what Charles told you regarding the Fountain of Youth! hehe You two are so perfect for each other-) xoxo
