Sunday, April 05, 2009

Our Family Birthday Celebration! 4~5~'09

Today most of us were able to get together and help Charles (Gabbo) celebrate his birthday -which was April 1st!

Yep, he was an April Fool baby all those 74 years ago and says he always was teased about this fact! :) I suppose that is only as to be expected of this birth date ! :) LOL- He has said some of his siblings would tell him,"Mother thought she would have a pretty baby but she had you!" ;)

HA!...But that's a dumb joke if you take a look at what a pretty
little boy he actually was!! :)
This pic always reminds me of the Baby/little boy Elvis Presley pictures I have seen.


I was up late preparing food for today's party...(We cancelled going to the chili cook-off yesterday because I just had too much to do here-especially after making the trip the day before to see our friends in Zephyrhills.)

I didn't get to bed-to sleep- until about 3:00 AM! I was coloring eggs at about 2:30! (-LOL-Yep-I'm a bit cracked -I know that!) See-this party had to be Easter themed, as we won't be here on Easter! Colored eggs are just always something I want to do! I can't let go the traditions!

Anyway, I pulled it all together- one more time! We all had a lot of fun! Charles got some great gifts...and the best gift I'm sure he would agree, is the love of the family.

Everyone was here except son-in-law, Marc who is a trucker and only gets home every few weeks! :(
(Missed you Marc!)

The hat you see in some of the pics is from me. It's a David Morgan, fine felt Australian hat! Charles has always liked these hats and wanted now he wants lots more of them! Oh, my ! What have I started here?

I also bought that painting of the cowboy. Our grandson Brian painted this and both Charles and I always liked it a lot. I was so happy to buy it from Bri for a very special gift for his granddad!

He got a lot of other cool gifts too...political books- cd's a very nice shirt and a COOL DUDE coffee mug! And my sis and Bro-in-law gave him 2 giant size jars of the gourmet olives he soo loves! :)


As I was getting things together on the serving table I realized this new serving stand I had would work well with My Mom's little party plates that I have. I thought they were just right for holding the marshmallow peeps and eggs that I always MUST have for this season! And I thought of Mom and that she would be happy to see this if she were here! Then I thought..."She is happy to see this!" It made me feel closer to Mom, using her little plates!

LOL- When the girls came a little later, Charles, being true to form with his off the wall humor, said... "Later, Mom's gonna have a 'Peep Show' posted on the blog!"
...Ha! I had to point out the bunny and chick PEEPS he was talking about! :)

( Click on any pic to enlarge )

Here we are - my sis Joy and me- trying out the tea and Tea Pot I got from my blog friend Pea earlier this week!
We loved the tea and everyone liked the little tea pot a lot! :)

The rest of the pics are in no particular order. Hope you can figure us all out!

We Are:

June & Charles~ Old folks of the Farm
( AKA~ Ginga & Gabbo )
Tina~ Daughter
Alli~ Granddaughter
Dan ~Grandson #1
Zach~Grandson #3
Tammy~ Daughter
Terry~ Son-in-Law
Christopher~ Son
Mike~Brother-in- Law

The ones at the end are at the end of the day, after everyone had left for their homes. Charles and I rode down to the pasture to check on the cows! Tiger has decided he likes golf cart rides, too, so he went with us! :)

It was such a good day for us!

Hope you've all had a wonderful week- end!

( Ginga )


  1. It looks like you all had a very happy day.

  2. I'm SO glad it all came together for you!! Looks like Great fun!! Especially the golf cart ride!hahaa...Happy day sweetie!hughugs

  3. What a wonderful post that shows your love and enjoyment of family. Charles was such a cute little boy. Just look at that adorable face!
    I hope he wears his new hat nearly every day. I looks great on him.
    I never would have expected a peep show from YOU!!!
    I guess this makes me a Peeping Tom since I looked at your peep show.

  4. Certainly a full day for Charles and you. His hat is great--almost dapper. Happy birthday Charles! You did a good job on the decorations also. Tired maybe but you have to feel satisfied.

  5. Looks like the peeps left some Peep Droppings on the bottom layer of the serving stand! :D

    Glad you all had a great day. :)

  6. Oh what a wonderful birthday celebration with family.
    Happy Birthday Charles!

    Junie I loved seeing all of the family pictures that you posted and I can't celebrate Easter without Marshmallow Peeps and I loved the "Peep Show" too, very cute, but mine don't last long enough to get put on serving plates, hehehe.

    Tell Charles that he looks very good in that new hat.

  7. Sounds and looks like it was the perfect birthday celebration for Charles! I so enjoyed seeing all the pictures, dear Junie, and I was thrilled that you were able to use the little tea pot you won from me while your company was there:-) I'm still giggling over Charles' "peep show" comment, that's too funny! hehe I can well imagine how much it meant to you to be able to use your mom's party plates:-) Charles looks great wearing a cowboy hat!! xoxo

  8. Well, I'd say Charles had a very happy birthday. You have a great family; it's nice that you're able to come together so often. Most of my family is in New York, so we really have to work on it to arrange a gathering.

    It's supposed to be in the 40s tonight - stay warm!

  9. A wonderful birthday celebration! It's great everyone came to wish Charles a happy birthday! And yes, Junie you pulled it all together! :)
