Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Sepia Scenes ~ A rose is a rose is a rose ~

It's time for Sepia Scenes!

Go here for others!


"A rose is a rose is a rose..."

Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose
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Gertrude Stein, 1935

The sentence "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose." was written by Gertrude Stein as part of the 1913 poem Sacred Emily, which appeared in the 1922 book Geography and Plays. In that poem, the first "Rose" is the name of a person. Stein later used variations on the sentence in other writings, and "A rose is a rose is a rose" is probably her most famous quote, often interpreted as meaning "things are what they are," a statement of the law of identity, "A is A".

Read more here

Junie Rose


  1. Looks like an old rose in sepia.I wonder if it's a heritage variety.

  2. This was interesting. I never knew where that came from. Like your music, Junie. Hope you have a nice Easter.

  3. Your EG Tour Guide-

    Nope- It's Don Juan- a climber.

  4. Judy-

    :0 I had read it before but forgot the details-lol- I like to look these things up. I figure if it comes to my mind that's my signal to look it up! :)

    Happy Easter to you, Judy!

  5. I remember that and also David Rose sat on a tack and David rose. Beautiful sepia shot Junie! Good music too.

  6. I love roses. Beautiful effect.

  7. Beautiful rose. Nice job.

  8. Hi Junie,
    I've tried catching up while I'm here.
    Looks like Charles had a wonderful birthday. I loved his 'peep show' comment. :)
    Beautiful Sepia Rose!

  9. beautiful

    I wore a hat like your 1972 picture to my sisters wedding in 1975, flashbacks are sometimes painful. LOL!

    Stop by to see mysepia scene

  10. What a beautiful shot. I love roses. 'The hippie years' looked lovely in your hat. Gee was it really that long ago?

    I enjoy your blog. Thanks

  11. At the cottage~

    lol yes- the Hippie mention was a sort of joke...since I was anything BUT a hippie! :) I was a mom of 3at that time! (But the time period was right!)

    I too, love roses and took 'Rose' as part of my screen name for this blog site.

    Thanks for coming by.

    You have a very lovely blog. I was just there looking around a bit.


  12. DOT,

    I don't think I know that quote you added! :)

    Thanks for coming and reading and looking! Oh- happy you like the music too.


  13. A Junie Rose is a Junie Rose is a Junie Rose.

    A JD is a JD is a JD.




  14. LOL- YES!

    It is - what it is - what it is!

    Happy Easter!

  15. Hello Junie Rose:

    I just wanted to let you know you are still a bright spot in my day, my week when I get a chance to read. I get busy and then I catch up.

    I wrote you two years ago? that I had found your blog while looking up the lyrics for Forever Autumn. I still live in Qatar in the Middle East. Living in a Muslim country, my husband HAD to work yesterday on Easter Sunday as they scheduled a lunch meeting. So much for our Brunch plans. Church was on Friday, their holy day. Oh well.

    I just wanted to let you know that you touch so many people with your words. Especially, when you speak of your mother, I remember my mother who passed away 2 years ago. May 2 will be the two year anniv.

    Do you know if your blog can be downloaded to save it to a disk? Even if you are no longer posting in the future, I would like to be able to read it once in awhile.

    Take care, Margaret

  16. Hello Margaret,

    I have to say your comments are very uplifting to read. It makes me happy to know that I touch you in this way with my blog.( and perhaps others, too) I just write random thoughts and feelings but always honest and from the heart.

    I remember your comments to me here from before also and,in fact, I saved that message somewhere... I remembered it immediately.

    As for our moms-I understand the loss you feel and I don't expect we ever get over the lonely feeling as it's been more than 6 years now since I lost my mom and it still hurts. But I want to keep my memories of her always alive.

    As for downloading my blogs and burning them to disks- yes, it can be done. I have saved some of them in the past this way.

    Thanks so much for visiting and I hope you will come again and as often as you're able.

    A friend,

