Thursday, April 02, 2009

Sky Watch Friday ~4~3~'09 Contrails

Sky Watch Friday

*Go here* for other sky pictures around the world!


Late yesterday afternoon my husband called me outside-and told me to bring my camera- to see these 'plane tracks' in the sky! He knows how fascinated I have always been with seeing these trails in the sky. I have seldom seen them colored just the way these were, though. This was due to the time of day it was-just as the sun was about to set!

:) I know 'plane tracks' is not the correct term - but I like it!


contrail |ˈkänˌtrāl|

a trail of condensed water from an aircraft or rocket at high altitude, seen as a white streak against the sky.
ORIGIN 1940s: abbreviation of condensation trail.



  1. WoW Junie!! These are Pretty!! Happy night sweetie!hughugs

  2. Love those Junie. They are really pretty. Hope things are good with you. Like your music, too.

  3. Glad it's contrails and not entrails! :)

  4. Pretty! Plane tracks' sounds good to me!

  5. Hello dear Junie:-)

    I'm rocking away in my chair to the Dire Straits! hehe Such wonderful pictures you took of the jet trails (that's what I call them! lol)...always fun to see the traffic that goes on in the sky.

    I was so glad to hear that the teapot reached you safely!! I was so worried it would break but hoped I had packed it well enough. Enjoy:-) xoxo

  6. Thanks ,all!

    Will visit you soon.

