Monday, April 13, 2009

Yes! We're home!

Yes~ we're home and what a fun trip it was! :)

LOL ~ Well, some of you might think that it takes
very little to make this lady happy! Maybe you'd be right, too, in thinking that... but to be honest, I'm so happy I can find such joy in the ordinary things we encounter in our life.

For instance...
the big thrill for me on the way to Milton was photographing ~ wildflowers ~ water towers in the small towns and rusty farm implements/junk in a junk yard!

Charles was very patient with me in my quest to capture the towers (we got several on this trip) and also in stopping along roadsides to get close -ups of wildflowers! We also saw this beautiful flowering bush-not realizing at first that it was the familiar 'Red Top' bush that we know! We had never seen it in bloom, but only as a trimmed hedge plant! The blooms are really pretty!

LOL- Several times on this trip we made U-turns to backtrack to get a better look at some thing or another! Here are a few of the flowers and towers and other things we saw along the way!

... AND ~ the junk yard we stopped at! :)

Yes! I love looking at this old stuff and taking pictures! ... Charles can identify anything in there but I sure can't! :) I just love the shapes of things and the old rust colors, with touches of faded reds and greens, here and there!

The fellow working there-the owner of all this cool stuff, I presume - seemed real happy to have folks to talk to and to show off his 'treasures' to! ( We may have been his only customers of the day~ or week, even!)

Somehow Charles' age came into the conversation...and the guy couldn't believe C. when he told him he is 74! The man said, "But you married a much younger woman, I see!" HAHA- ...OK- instead of letting the guy think he had a
-40 something...or even-50 something wifey... (hahaha) Charles said, "Yes, she's 6 years younger than me!"

What!!! :)

Man! I like that distorted view of reality these north west Florida men have! haha

~I was busy looking at his junk so didn't know of these exchanges until later~

if I
HAD known I might have been tempted to give him a Sarah Palan wink in gratitude! haha!~ (just kidding!!!!)

What cool junk he had!! :)
(more pics will be posted for Shadow Sunday)

Tomorrow- more of our trip!



  1. Oh! what a nice photo parade you share to us.

    Like the flower and all the shadows they gave to you §:-))

    Have a nice day!

  2. This is some very awesome photography Junie!!!!

    Giggled at the reference to the Sarah Palin *wink*

  3. Awww, Junie. You always make me smile! :)

    So glad you had a great trip. The simple things in life are the very best! *hugs*

  4. Good morning, dear Junie, and a Happy belated Easter:-)

    You and I would get along great on a trip because I love to stop and take pictures of everything and anything that catches my eye too! lol Only problem is, we'd probably never reach our destination with all the stops! hehe Sounds like you had a lovely time and I'm so glad for you, getting away like that can do the heart good:-) I would have been fascinated with that junk yard, such cool stuff indeed. As for Charles marrying a MUCH younger woman, well there you go, you're not old at all, just a young chick! hehe xoxo

  5. Richie,

    Thanks! Happy you enjoyed the pictures. Hope things are well with you today.


  6. Pea,

    Yep-I know you and I would be good traveling buddies! :)



  7. Thanks for visiting me, AC

  8. Sally,

    You are so right!

    lol- and it's a good thing I CAN enjoy life's simple pleasures because that's mostly what my life is made up of!! Makes it pretty cool... I'd just HATE to be yearning for things beyond my reach! :)



  9. Thanks so much, Anni! ;)

