Friday, May 08, 2009

Today ~May 8, 2009

Today I must continue with this, seemingly, insurmountable project I have going with going through and mementos of years past-also craft supplies and projects...discarded name it- it's in there!!

I don't dare show you much of the mess but I will show a little of it-later!
Maybe I will! :)

This little room, just off my kitchen, was intended to be my craft room but, over time, it has become a junk room! The whole area was once my utility/laundry room but years ago we made 2 separate areas of it. When I was into my crafts it was fixed up to suit my needs perfectly! After I drifted away from crafting and into blogging :) the little room went downhill in a hurry! It's really in dire straits right now! :(

THIS is the kind of things I once created there!
I want to do it again!


What prompted me to tackle this right now was the fact that my sister asked me (yet again) about some family pictures she had let me borrow to scan for my own use. At the time, my scanner was not working so I just put them away for later...I could not remember just WHERE I had put them...hence this exhausting but much needed reorganizing of my JUNK ROOM!!

I'm happy to say I FOUND the pictures and will be able to return them to her soon! ( If I don't misplace them again, that is!)

Also~ we will have the whole family (except Marc) here for Mother's Day Sunday. I really have much to do to prepare...but I'll do what I can and not worry about the rest! (Yah, sure...not worry!!)

For now I must go and tackle this monster!

Oh yah! Just to add to the excitement...late last night I saw a mouse in my laundry room!!
I hate the thoughts of nasty little critters in my house! ... so I have a plan for him...

I'll be back!



  1. Poor little mouse!! must have scared him to Death!!!Hahaa...Have a Fun weekend sweetie!hughugs
    I LOVE the Santa!!!!!!!

  2. Donna,

    lol- well, I WISH I had scared him to death!! ;) but I didn't see him drop over!

    Had to put out some D-con and as a back up I have some traps I will put out tonight! (mind you- this was all happening in the wee hours of this morning!!)

    I haven't found his little dead body yet but I'm hopeful-and determined!!

    :( I really don't like these things...I mean- having to 'get rid' of a little living thing- but I have no choice!


  3. Scanning is not fun.

  4. Ah, Junie, I used to do soooo many crafts also. Do you really think that it's blogging that has taken us over? hahahaha

    I love the Santa too; he's CUTE!!

    Enjoy your weekend and have a wonderful Mother's Day with the family. :)

  5. Have a great Mother's Day, Junie.

  6. Gday Junie, Have a great family Mothers day.
    hehehe. I just caught amouse in the trap he now in the bin. my next door nieghbour has chooks and I think it come in out of the cold. well now its gone...
