Thursday, May 28, 2009

Today's Flowers

(Please see 'Sepia Scenes' in post below this one)

Today's Flowers!

*Find others here!*


This is the 'Four-O-clock'
~ considered a wildflower or weed by some~

but I love it in my garden!



  1. Hello dear Junie:-)

    Remember me???? It's so hard to catch up with everone once you've been out of the loop for a while but I'm slowly getting there! I've read all of your posts I had missed and as always, I loved looking at all your beautiful pictures.

    It's funny that you should mention the Four O-Clock flower because I had planted seeds of that flower in my little containers and it's coming up nicely...I had never heard of it before! Hopefully they'll do well once I transplant them outside!! xoxo

  2. Pretty flower sweetie!!hughugs

  3. What a beautiful Hibiscus flower. I don't remember seeing one with these glorious colors before.
    Thanks for your visit.

  4. Hi Pam,

    Thanks for coming by!

    It does, sort of, look like a hibiscus flower in this picture-but not in real life. This is a '4 O'clock' and the blooms are tiny ~ only about 1 inch wide!


  5. Hi Pea,

    The ones I have are the old fashioned variety which just grow wild. I don't think I've ever seen them for sale in plant nurseries-and have never even see seeds for sale. Will be interesting to see how yours do!

    Thanks for catching up with me!


  6. Hi Junie,
    I see we play a lot of the same memes. Your photos are very nice. I live on the west coast now, but lived in Ocala for several years! It's nice to "meet" you :-)

  7. A new one for me. I tend to like perennials if possible, so if this fits, I'd love to give it some soil space.

  8. Hi Junie

    Wonderful and delicate wildflower!
    Tannks for posting for TODAY'S FLOWERS.
    Hope to see you every week.


  9. Beautiful flowers, I would not dream of pulling them up if they were weeds. Love your longer post above as well.
