Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Our life today....AND -Alli's graduating!

Hello Folks,

There's a lot happening around here this week...and...well... it's a continuation of a few days or weeks, really; some good stuff-and some bad stuff!

One thing is that Charles has developed a bad problem with his left knee. You'd have to know him to know there is no way of getting him to slow down, even when he's not well. Stuff has to be taken care of, no matter what...hay to haul-cows to feed- goat pens to name a few! Anyway-his knee has gotten to the point of his barely being able to he finally got to the doctor today.

He was told he has arthritis and knee spurs-which may require surgery...if the cortisone shot he got today doesn't help!

We have also had lots of trouble with the Santa Gertrudis cattle we bought awhile back. Recently lost a calf at birth and also the mother cow died. These cattle seem prone to birth defects and we have lost several calves in the time we've had this herd!

...Due to these facts Charles made the decision to sell them all and go back to a mixed herd (far less trouble than these pure bred, we've found!)

The cattle auction is held every Monday so Charles decided to give it a try and see how the prices were going these days! He loaded up 5 to sell! Oh my! He found out soon enough what a bad time it is right now to sell cows! They brought about half of what we expected!... So now- where we are is-we don't want to sell the cows for far less than they are worth - but we sure don't want to keep having defective calves!

OK- This is just one little drama that has been playing out in the past few days....Oh-and another thing is- one day several of the huge monster cows got out and we had a heck of a time getting them back in the pasture!
(I say 'we' but I'm little help in these matters! Luckily we have neighbors who were able to help Charles!)

(COWS-Like some people, apparently think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence!)

All this - and so much more- going on while C. is almost past walking ! I wish he could/would just STOP!


I'm having computer woes also-and expect to be offline in the next few days- for who knows how long!! I'm waiting for an appointment to get my Mac to a shop for repairs...It's still under warranty . The problem is this - it shuts off, often! It also runs hot and the fan comes on often. Although annoying I could deal with that but People tell me it shouldn't be doing that at of course I have to get it taken care of!

Sounds simple enough but... there's no Mac places in our town. Fact is we will have to take it to Orlando or Tampa for repairs!!

~~~ Charles will hate that -he hates my computer anyway!! :( LOL- but if he took me to Tampa to see The Who concert (HE DID!! ) then maybe he'll help me with this too! :) ~~~

Anyway - will let you know what's happening with that as it unfolds... I will not just disappear without a word!

Oh- but a happy event is coming up for us on Friday! It's our Alli's High School Graduation! :) We are all very proud of her! (Well, you know that, right? ) She's graduating with the highest honors!


Some pics of Alli in the early days:

First day of k-4....when she was not yet 4! :)

Alli and her brother Brian.
( couldn't find one with Dan on this day!)

Here she is graduating K-4- and in grades Kindergarten thru Five! :)

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It's hard to believe how fast these years have flown by!

I told pure 'Ginga' fashion...
"Alli, you've been a great
... I said it in a grave tone- like it was the end of something...

And she says..."Well, Ginga, I'm still your granddaughter!"

I said it to be funny- but in truth- I know it IS an ending AND a beginning for all of us-but especially for Alli!

Have a good night!



  1. Some husbands are not able to admit that they are in need of slowing down and that makes for a very trying time for them and their love ones. I hope he comes to his senses and takes a little care in his daily chores.

    Jay and I will be attending our grand daughter's ceremonies this Friday also.

  2. I sympathize with knee spurs. I have heel spurs, but orthotics in good shoes help a ton. I don't suppose there is much relief to be had for knee spurs though.

  3. BIG HUGE congrats to Alli for graduating with HIGH honors!!!!! I know she's heading for great things!!

    Sorry to hear about Charles' knee. Cortizone is a miracle drug, so I sure hope it helps him.

    Computer woes SUCK!

    Have a great time celebrating with Alli.


  4. I don't know how I missed this post, but hope by now everyone and everything has improved, Junie Rose. ((hugs))

    Congratulations to Alli; I know you're all very, very proud of that young lady. :)

  5. Hope all gets better for you two Soon sweetie!!hughugs

  6. Well it's Friday...Congratulations to your sweet Alli on her graduation today!!

    Sorry to hear about Charles's bad knee and your computer trouble Junie. I hope by now both are doing better. Charles sounds a little can be that way about their health.

    Have a wonderful weekend sweetie...and give Alli a hug for me... Love, Joy

  7. Congrats to Alli. I know she has been a real joy in your life. Nice girl for sure.
    I hoPe Charles improves.

  8. Hi Mary,

    Yes, you're so right about husbands...well, it seems especially so of men of my (the OLDER) generation! :)

    So you also have a graduation this year!! This is our youngest grandchild!

