Thursday, June 25, 2009

Me again!


 Well, here I am - back but just for the moment!

(Is it me for the moment??) 

I am on Alli's computer again but can't seem to get the hang of it too well! 
 (Happens when you get old, folks!!  :(  )  All I will be able to do is leave a post here!

Anyway,  just wanted to say I finally got a call back from the 2nd. computer store...and they say my computer has been examined and it's a cable inside that will require  having a part ordered ...and then the repairs done!  Am told it will probably be another 5 to 7 days...(but could be sooner!!)  ;( 

 This has been just plain AWFUL for me!  I know it's only just been a week and a day- but it seems like several weeks to me! ( Yep-I guess I really AM addicted to blogging and all the other fun stuff I do on here- but- so what!!)

Meanwhile-back at the ranch... :) ... This past week I have been doing a good bit of gardening -and it's been quite fun, actually!  Have some more roses to plant- maybe tomorrow.

  Have also watched some TV- especially at night.  I have come to realize, all over again, that TV doesn't have a lot of appeal for me! 

 Lots of stuff happening in the news tho, and it's hard to keep up with everything at the pace things are moving! Some scary stuff going on these days, all around the world!

Some sad happenings today and recently with the deaths of some well known people!

Hope all my blog pals are doing well- and I will be looking forward to catching up with you all-I hope it will be soon!




  1. Hope you get your computer back soon!!

    I was surprised that Michael Jackson died. Of course I hadn't been keeping up with him and all that, but he was so young to die. He was so talented but he had problems too. Sad.

  2. Hi Junie Rose~thanks for the update! Hurry back!! ((hugs))

  3. I really feel for you because I know how lost I'd be without my computer for even more than a day! Fingers crossed that you'll get yours back sooner than later!!! I know what you mean about the tv...I hardly ever have mine on anymore, just nothing that interests me. Blogging is so much more fun! hehe Miss you!! xoxo

  4. Computer woes are so frustrating, especially for us bloggers who rely on them to WORK LIKE THEY SHOULD!!!!
    I've not been on my computer much these past few weeks since my dad has been visiting with us.
    I have grabbed the computer now and then to visit blog buddies, and I would be very frustrated if it didn't work since I've not had much time to put into it lately.
    I've had computer problems in the past, and I can feel your pain!!
    It has been a sad few days with the deaths of three celebrities.

  5. Just hanging out till you get back!!hughugs
