Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I'm still floundering out here without my computer...Have had no call about when it will be ready-and this is the 5th day ( since the call of last Thursday) of  what they said should be 5 to 7 days!

 Hate this stuff!

Anyway- just have to go with whatever comes down in this life and make the best of it! 

Have to concentrate on the medical issues tomorrow and the next day and those things are the most important, of course!

Thanks to all of you  who have been checking back  and missing me a little !  :)  I appreciate all of you!

See you soon!  YES! I WILL!!



  1. We're just having coffee and cake... waiting on you!Hahaa...

  2. Glad to hear from you Junie - see you soon!

  3. Boy Junie I do know about medical issues. That is a part of going old for a lot of us. Take care and remember that good things come to those who wait. Let hope that your computer is a good thing!

  4. Hopefully, your computer will be back soon. You and your family have a great 4th of July.

  5. I can just imagine your impatience with waiting for computer repair. We are on the road and some RV parks have great WiFi, but they are few and far between and it is frustrating not being able to post or read blogs. I have about three to post now to catch up.

  6. Junie you are missed!
    I love the music!!!
    Hope to 'see' you soon.
    Take Care - you and Charles both.

  7. You do realize I'm going through Junie withdrawals, don't you?!! lol Just wanted to wish you and yours a very Happy 4th of July. I hope you're having a fabulous day of celebrations with your family:-) xoxo
