Saturday, August 29, 2009

Camera Critters~ Aug 29, 2009


Time to share our

On any given day I may see dozens of these guys around our place ! (if not hundreds!)

They are everywhere ...even have been known to invade my house at times! I have found them, drowned, in my washing machine! :(

Yesterday my husband accidentally stepped on one as he walked out the front door ! :(

Here was one of the smart ones. He was just hanging out in the rose garden, eating bugs!!

LOL - I guess he knows he's pretty safe from traffic in there, amongst the overgrown weeds that no one is in a hurry to pull!

Welcome to north Florida! ;)

Junie Rose


  1. I have a few of these living in my rockbed from time to time ... and they occasionally find their way into the house when I leave the French doors open in the summertime. Have found entire skins under the cushions in my couch ... not my best moments actually. You'll find MY critters at Small Reflections this week.
    Hugs and blessings,

  2. Poor lizards need to learn to be more careful!

    I have critters up at:
    Pawesome and Random Animals

  3. My cats used to bring lizard tails to me as gifts. God only knows (and I do not want to know) what happened to the rest of the lizard. I like to think they escaped, but that probably was not the realiy.

  4. Ahhhh!!! I love lizards!Hahaa...Can you catch them???hughugs

  5. oh yes I agree sandy South Florida

  6. Anonymous7:11 PM

    He's so cute! I hate to think of them drowning in the washer or getting stepped on. Poor little things.

  7. We had bunches of lizards around our house in San Diego, but since we moved here to the Mojave Desert, not so much.

  8. Nice clear shot. I wonder why there are so many.

  9. Lizards I've never been able to like. :)
    This is however a cute picture. The terra cotta pot gives it a southwest flair.

    My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

  10. He blends in well with the pot. He has a beautiful pattern too.

    We have lots of Carolina Anoles and Five-Lined Skinks here. Lots of snakes too!

  11. Sweet bay

    We have those blue 5 lined Skinks too!

    They are pretty!
