Sunday, August 16, 2009

Farm news update

'Mellow Yellow Monday'- below this post!


Hi Folks, case you're wondering how my new goats are doing...

... happily, the 4 new ones adapted very well in their new home. 'April' -the original girl we had- took right to those new young ones!

Only one little problem has developed...
(or perhaps-'developed' isn't the right term to use...haha)
Let me explain... :)

A few days ago Alli and Tina were up here and they were out with Gabbo (Charles) looking at the goats...I was not out there!

When they came in Alli says...
"Ginga, there's a problem!"

Of course I acted in the usual, expected, alarmed way, saying,
"What! What?!?"

She then, reluctantly, says...
" 'Junie Rose' is not a girl!"


Then Gabbo says...
"...and maybe not a boy either!!"


Oh my!
( You see-in the past we DID have a goat that was, clearly, BOTH SEXES!! It's true!)

Well, I was dismayed, to say the least...especially since I had picked the prettiest one to name for this! I guess this was 'pay -back' for naming the pretty one for myself!

~~What arrogance-JunieRose/Ginga!!~~ ;)


(This next part may be rated PG13- or worse, even- so be forewarned!)

LOL- You must keep in mind this is my family talking - NOT me!

How this all came to light about the goat and was noticed by my family as they watched them was like this...

Alli - as she watched them, says...
" Gabbo, are you sure 'Junie Rose' is a girl, because she's peeing from a different spot!"

Lo and behold, Gabbo and Tina had to agree that Alli was right!

They were all surprised because the man at the auction sold them all as 'girls!'

Alli told me later that she said to the others...
"So who tells Ginga, because she'll freak out?" :)

It was decided that Alli would come tell me this news! She did-and, yes, I was quite taken aback, you might say!

I then questioned Gabbo about this little goat's gender...How he knew...If he knew for sure what the deal was!! I really didn't want it to be not clearly-one or the other sex!

Besides-I would have to come up with a new name...a BOY name -or worse, an 'IT' name!
( Perhaps using the J. and R. ...of Junie Rose )

He hadn't examined it closely but he says to me...
"Well- for sure it has no... 'Goat-Nads!'"

(Oh my goodness!...A family of comedians here!!)

Charles did determine later that the little guy IS a boy...but not developed -AT ALL- and will be useless in reproduction!

Oh, well! I want to just keep him anyway - not separate him from the others! They are all content together! :) And he IS pretty!

I decided to name him "Joker!"
(unless someone can suggest a better name for me to give him!)


In other farm news...

This is Lucy...having fun on my computer desk recently!
...And-YES- she is still named 'Lucy !' :) (Not Ricky!)

Life on the farm...kinda laid back.

Junie Rose

AKA ~ Ginga


  1. You have a good heart Junie Rose and Joker is an excellent name for the pretty one!

  2. Loved reading this farm news up-date....didn't know that this could be so confusing...Joker is a good name, hope he's a good goat...

  3. Joker is good!! OR...J.R. from the Dallas TV show...hughugs

  4. hahahaha Now, that IS funny!! :)

  5. I had to laugh at your goat story, but we have named a little kitten, Tom who has turned out to be a girl...
    I hate to have to tell Jimmy because he's the one who actually named him...I mean her. Jimmy will be so crushed.

  6. Mary,

    Thanks! Well, heck- I'm not in this for the $$$ anyway! :) This little boy will be just fine as a pet goat!

  7. Sandy


    Thanks for your comments!

    I guess his name will be 'Joker'...LOL- Yes-I DID consider J.R.
    ....But I have known someone who 's initials were that (JR) and I thought 'Joker' might be a better choice...:)

