Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Ruby Tuesday ~ Aug 4, 2009 ~ Alabama Reds


It's Ruby Tuesday time again!

This is when we post whatever is red in our lives...a little or a lot... old or new!

(I hope old will do-haha...because I have some very old reds for you today!)


***Go here for other red posts!***


These are some more country scenes from our recent trip to Alabama!

My husband, Charles, and I enjoy all things country and the highlights of our trips back home to visit the folks are our rides together, out in the country.

The barn scenes were taken at his old home place where he grew up!
The original barn still stands!

The one of me and the tractor is just a 'pretty tractor' that we stopped to admire! :) It was for sale...but-no-we didn't buy it!

The last pictures are of a treasure trove (junk yard) of old farm implements we saw on our way home yesterday!

Yes! You might say we're kinda weird ...lol- but we're weird in many of the same ways so that makes it fun!


THIS is a favorite scene-when ever or where ever we may be!!



  1. Very nice barn, I like this ;)

  2. I just love old farm implements as well and you sure discovered some great ones to pose beside, including the barn:-) My youngest brother who has the Maple Sugar Bush, has old implements like that here and there along the trails and they never cease to delight me when I come upon them! xoxo

  3. a ride in the country is a delight!!

  4. It is a very pretty tractor...and definitely those are great old reds.

  5. Great REDS, Junie and I'm so happy ya'll made it back home safely!! :)

  6. I'll take your kind of weird any ole day. Jimmy & I are weird like that too and we both enjoy the same things too.

    I love those old barn pictures of you and of Charles.

    Jimmy's brother has his own farm junk yard, hahaha and it's lots of fun looking at all the old stuff. I call it old stuff and Jimmy says that he used to use all of that old stuff when he was a kid on the farm.

    It's hilarious when Jimmy & I go into a farm museum. He knows about all the hand tools & equipment because he's used it all. Is that the way Charles is?

  7. Sandy,

    Oh yes! C. knows all about all the old farm stuff! He grew up on a farm- until he went in the Air Force right out of high school!

    As I get older I find all this farm and country stuff more interesting than I ever did in my younger years!

  8. Nothing like farm life and country living!! I love the old barn and tractor, and all the old farm implements! Glad you had such a nice trip. I love going down memory lane!

  9. Hi Rachel,

    I'm happy you are enjoying my country pictures!



  10. Thanks to all for your visits-I will visit you all very soon.


  11. Not weird at all Junie - I love these shots - especially Charles in front of the barn. He looks happy to be there. Does his family still own the land?
    I love the tractor shots too.

  12. Carletta,

    C. has good memories and stories of living there at that farm but- no- they never owned the land. They lived there for most of his childhood- except his very early years. We go back to look around every time we visit up there.

  13. To plow down the weeds
    it takes an old red tractor
    and some gasoline.

    My Ruby Tuesday
