Wednesday, August 26, 2009


My sister's birthday was Aug. 7th. but today was the first chance we've had to get together. :)

...And it was an unplanned event -spur of the moment- but still we enjoyed my sister and Bro-in law's visit! :)

All we had for celebrating was some cookies and coffee...and some good political talk!
(Luckily, we're all on the same page in that !)

Joy liked the gifts I had for her! I got her some comfy socks for wearing around the house...and 2 picture albums for her grand kid's pictures.

I also gave her a book about sisters with the art work of Sandra Kuck. She's the artist who does those very charming children of days gone by! They are often on collector plates!

When our granddaughters were little, Joy and I both bought the same plate by this artist-called 'Tea Party!' The 2 little girls of this piece looked a lot like our little girls! Really! I tried to scan my plate but it didn't turn out very well! :) Anyway, the little blond girl looks like my 'Allison' and the other little girl looks a lot like Joy's 'Cheyenne!'

( Our little girls were best friends in their young years but they don't get to see each other often now!)

BTW- for a better look at this art work, visit Pea-(on my side bar) She has this plate as her header !



  1. Awwww, so SWEET!! I want a sister!! :)

  2. Junie ~ Love the new header here! ~ jb///

  3. Happy Belated Birthday to your sister Joy (love her name)...and that plate is adorable. Love your header too Junie....those sunflowers are beautiful. Have a great weekend coming up sweetie... Love, Joy

  4. :) Sally,

    You got LOTS of 'sisters' here on blogger! :) ....well...almost the same !


  5. Thanks, LZ



    :) I like doing those headers and changing them often- now that I know how!! :)

    Yes! Joy...
    'Joy'IS a very special name! :)


